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SPAM - Quantum ROB: Oh Boy!

  • Thread starter LoneFury
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Veteran of a thousand psychic wars, chaotic shovel
  • #2,351
My situation was crazy, my fears were many, my hopes were tempered and I was wary of what the future would bring.

But this morning, these days, here and now, it was all worthwhile. Together with these impressive ladies that eked out their own lives in this postapocalyptic, danger filled land, and had let me become a large part of them.

Waking up skin to skin, embraced and embracing, giving them sweet kisses of love as they awoke, it was inspiring enough to strive to protect, even if I didn't think this world would give me the key to staying here.

It was a good hearty meal. Better than the microwaved and toasted breakfasts I was used to back home, since I had never had the energy for cooking.

I chuckled at Gloria's joke and exchanged introductions with the six folks while we boarded and prepped to set off. After all I was now responsible for keeping them safe in my eyes. Not that it was important overall since this was going to be a simple pickup with a armored and armed tank.

It was an understandable and reasonable thing. Roadwork took a lot of work, as a Michigander I was well used to there being rotating roadwork all year round, and that was with modern equipment.

It'd be nice if there was something like a Space Station 13 foam grenade that made metal walls and closed space breaches, only for the ground alone. It shouldn't be impossible for Fallout's weird technology but if people had such a thing they'd probably use it already.

Still though I imagined what if I could take control of where I would go, the potential technologies to acquire. Or at least have a potential to return to a 'home base' with things acquired, like a interdimensional scavenger plying whatever it was that made routes through existence for me.

'That's one creepy toy.' I considered of the too large toothed mouth and the old man hair of the toy. The rest of it was fine, just the face needed some work.

I did my part with my cybernetic strength to aid, making sure thing were nice and secure. I might have kinda faded out of the boy scouts and forgot some stuff, but I knew how to tie knots okay.

I did what I could to help out, taking instruction and paying attention. It was like the work before on the leather from the giant radioactive bat, a callback to the days of shop class. Only instead slowly tearing something apart carefully, a new experience for me besides the basics of disassembling things in the home. Then the rearranging and assembling after lunch was more like what I had done before.

It was with contentedness that I looked on the ugly but functional trailer we had made together.

"Many hands with clear direction make light work." I paraphrased and pondered again about taking the time to pick up that reward item I was owed for the cult mission in addition to the money already received.

I joined in on the laughter, standing out in the warm rain, giving out a long slow sigh of happiness as I felt it rain down upon my frame, feeling it trickle down my face. A nice cooldown after some effort.

Cloudy overcast days were a favorite of mine, rather than bright sunlight. And rainy days were wonderful to smell and enjoy the sounds of.

It was always fun to play with water, watch it move mesmerizingly around, adjust it. I hadn't done that for ages though. And I chuckled at Jenny and Morgan splashing about before taking the time to stamp and send a shockwave myself.

I was always stressed to some degree, but it was a good time to unwind and relax.

You and the girls spent nearly an hour running around and playing under the falling rain. Several times, they tackled each other and even you into the mud, laughing and whooping like hyenas as they played. By the time the three of you finally had enough, you looked like three soggy burlap sacks. Needless to say, the lot of you required some thorough cleaning and luckily, Foundation did have functional washing machines and dryers. After cleaning up and getting some fresh clothes on, you and the girls took your laundry down, set them to work in the dryers and then made your way back to the camper. With the rainfall soaking town, there'd be no central cookout so everyone was left to fend with their own stores. Jenny of course had her own and after you helped her extend the awning over the camper's side, the three of you set to making supper. The small grill standing beside the mobile dwelling soon lit after the proper application of gas and wood, slowly burning as a stew pot was placed upon it, a seasoned stew within.

"So with the trailer hitched up, I'm thinking given it's speed and if we keep mostly to the roads, we should manage to reach Hornwright Estate before midday," Morgan said as the three of you sat next to the camper, rain dripping off the sides of the awning. "As far as I can remember, there's not much in the way, other than the occasional roaming ghouls or Scorched infected creatures. Nothing that we can't handle. When we get there, the ID card will let us in and take us all the way up. Now, just forewarning you, it's quite the ways off the ground. We're talking easily three hundred feet up in the air. The residence itself spans four floors, with several rooms for the various family members, dining rooms, parlors and what have you. Robots run the place and there's the odd ghouls that find their way up there. Usually the bots take care of them but not always. Should expect to see Protectrons, Handys and a single Assaultron if we're lucky. And while that might look formidable, pulse grenades are great at leveling those kinds of playing fields." Jenny soon began handing out bowls filled with stew, an aroma of herbs and spices mixed with the stewed meat and veggies assailing your senses. "What about this fusion generator," she asked as she ladled. "Isn't that kind of what we're after in the first place?"

Morgan nodded as she crushed some dried crackers into her bowl, mixing it in. "From what I've seen and heard, I think there's more than one," she said. "When I pulled one from there, the power was still functional. I wouldn't be surprised if there was another one somewhere. Probably even buried below the place, given Hornwright's paranoia. Dunno how to access it though, unless we can somehow hack our way into the elevator's systems. It's very complex coding and of the terminals there, none are connected to any such controls." Jenny handed you a bowl and then passed around several Nukas before sitting down in your lap, giving you a smirking smile as she dug into her food. Morgan simply leered with a chuckle. "At any rate, taking the generator apart is going to be a trickier prospect," Morgan went on. "Granted, it isn't hard to dismantle. They're quite modular in their construction. Getting it down is the problem, seeing as it's too big to fit into the elevator and even if it could, it would snap the lift's cables. My guess it was brought in via vertibird, what with the landing pad. So unless we want to take the thing completely apart, we might have to find alternatives to getting it down."

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

I assisted where I could through some quick Healing, at the very minimum I wanted to avoid people dying from their wounds. If I had the time afterwards, I'd spend some time properly going over them, this was just making sure to take off the edge on the absolute worst and such.

Some quick Healing cast upon the team took the sting out of things. But they were going to require more than that to get them fully restored. Still, it kept them from going into worse condition and with Ko and Herrera's help, they'd be able to get out of the line of fire and slowly recuperate.
"At least have the big meatshield walk through first." I note as I envelop myself in a Barrier and with a brief look to Voytek and Barany, step through, ready to also flip on the Xiala Personal Shield Gauntlet to maximum and use myself to shield ourselves from the worst of whatever might be on the other side. Otherwise, since the light on the other side was blinding enough for the visor optics unable to compensate, I'd try to see if closing my eyes and using the Twin-bladed Knife's Dark Vision would allow me to work around this.
Quickly looking out with Dark Vision, you found that it could not pierce the portal, the result being even brighter when you tried. Preparing your self, you stepped to the portal and went through it, Voytek and Barany following close behind. In an instant, you found yourselves in a very dark and cavernous chamber. Maj. Elden was a few paces ahead and had quickly moved to cover behind some kind of large alien pillar. It was so black it was almost obsidian by the looks of it. And that wasn't all. The temperatures within the area were very low, almost below that of freezing. Without his helmet, Voytek wasn't going to last long in this environment. Quickly, you looked over the alien structure and began examining what you could see. Despite it's almost organic look, the chamber's walls were segmented and adorned with many red glowing lights. There were three iris-like entrances into the chamber, two on ground level and another high above at the apex of the ceiling. And as you looked above, you saw a raised platform, suspended from a trio of beams reaching across the space. There, the device sat, a large crystal affixed to two separate objects that glowed with a reddish-pink hue. "Looks like one of those old plasma globes from the last century," Elden noted. "My grandfather had one. Used to let me play with it when I visited."

Above the device, a holographic analysis of it was being rendered, strange alien writings hovering about. "How the hell do we get up there," Barany said. "Gotta be at least thirty feet up and I don't see any stairs." Indeed, the platform had nothing but a number of ominous antenna stretching out beneath it, looking more like spikes. There were no steps and if there was an elevator of any kind, it wasn't visible. Elden looked at you curiously for a few moments as he pondered something. "I might have an idea," he said. "Maybe you can throw one of us up there. You're strong enough for that and once up, we can drop the device down, plant charges and get the fuck out of here." Barany nodded in agreement. "Guess it's going to be me then," she said as she began unfastening her pack and ammo pouches. But before she could finish, a wail echoed through the chamber, thrumming through the floor even. Your eyes went to one of the irises as it spun open and several shapes began walking in. They were humanoid for the most part save their limbs. Digitigrade legs of steel and flesh holding the main body upright. Three-fingered clawed hands, clenching and flexing as it's arm blades speared forward. The alien cyborg's head was like a thin diamond, two large glowing compound eyes glaring at you beneath it's horns.

"I think we found the thieves," Barany noted as the creature bellowed and charged at you before vanishing into thin air. "Scatter," Elden yelled, your reflexes kicking in as you narrowly dodged a swinging blade that came out of nowhere. Barany laid down a barrage from her GL, explosions rocking the chamber as one of the creatures was blown backwards and into visibility, it's body twisted into a sparking ruin as it leaked translucent pink fluids. "Volkov! Get her up there," the major ordered as he laid down quick bursts with his weapon, trying to pierce the alien's cloak.

Meeting those lips with my own, my arms sneaking around that slim waist to hold Sandra close, I enjoyed the moment and nothing more. The meal half eaten and forgotten as the world narrowed down to nothing more than me and her – swift, turbulent, a bit scary – being with Sandra was all that and right now I was enjoying her enthusiasm for all it is worth. "And here I thought you were going to supply me with all the action that I need.", I needled amused and then grinned "I don't think they expect me to do anything more than smile into a camera and tell the tape how Titan is my favourite shop in this whole reality.", I gently poked at Sandras dreams, before winking "And after all the death threats I got from going vampire hunting, who says that I will dare going after anything scary, while you are waiting for me?"

With a smile I finished the last of the meal, before turning my eyes back upon Sandra "Sounds like it will work for me – should I pick anything up in town this afternoon?", with a light blush at the last mention, I shift "Well, I wouldn't mind splashing around, but I hardly have anything to wear while doing so. Any idea on what constitutes sensible swimwear around here?"

Sandra snorted. "Given the nearest river's at least ten miles away to say nothing about any decent lakes or even ponds, a burlap sack," she teased. "Hell, I haven't gotten my old thing out in about three years I think. Guess you and I will have to do some shopping." She gave you a mischievous smile and wink before leaning in and pressing another kiss to your lips. The two of you stayed that way for a while before pulling away slightly breathless. "Better pace myself," Sandra said. "Otherwise I'll be late back to work. Plus I want you to have something to look forward to later." Leaning in and pecking your cheek, she rubbed your hand with hers before giving you a smile. "Have fun meeting that Titan gal," she said. "And if she tries to woo you away, just remember that you are very close to a skilled and experienced combat engineer. I can make things go boom and then some." Smiling, she made her way down the Cargonaut's ramp, hips swaying back and forth as she gave you a pleasant vision walking away.

With that, you quickly cleared away the dishes and cleaned up. It was another few hours before the meeting so you busied yourself doing some maintenance. Even with the armor in the shop, your other weapons and gear required just as much TLC as anything else. Thus, you began laying out your weapons on the kitchen table, applying various cleaning fluids and other essentials to ensure their peak operation. Amusingly, your hands became thoroughly caked in gun oil as you worked, much to Sandra's inevitable delight. By the time you finished, it was nearly five and you squared everything away to get ready. Showered and dressed, you drove across town all the way back to Tiernan's. The place didn't look any different than the last time you'd been there. It was starting to get busy as the parking lot filled up so you snagged a spot as soon as you could. The engine powered down, you headed on in and asked the maitre'd about Ms. Argento. Checking through the names, the young man nodded and promptly led you through the restaurant to a small booth near the kitchen.

Sitting there was a young blonde haired woman who saw you approach and smiled brightly. Her teeth were so white and pearly they might as well have been spotlights. And while she was dressed in a smart business suit, she left several buttons undone, allowing a faint look at the bountiful cleavage within. Her frame was svelte but also appeared athletic at the same time. Forget good genes, she could've been built in a petri dish to someone's specifications. Forget supermodel, this was an entirely new level of beauty and health. Even the models you saw displaying NG's wares at the store couldn't compete to the demi-goddess before you. Gently tousling her long blonde hair over her shoulder, she reached out with a firm and warm hand. "Ms. Flandry I presume? Molly Argento," she said in a warm and welcoming voice. "Please, please have a seat. Feel free to order whatever you like. My treat." The young man provided you with a menu as Argento took a swig of her own glass, a dark red wine swirling within. "Allow me to get straight to business, Ms. Flandry. Titan is simply looking for some product endorsement and display. To which, we're prepared to offer you one of our next generation suits or even robots for you to use in the wild," Argento began. "Plus, an annual retainer of twenty thousand credits a month, free maintenance service at any of our locations and possibly more. All for the simple matter of shall we say, promotion. Just going about, showing off the suit to whomever is interested. And of course, if they might be tempted, a business card or two. Surely that's not too much to ask, especially considering the rewards to be had?"



Hungry, Hungry Chryssalids...
  • #2,352
Above the device, a holographic analysis of it was being rendered, strange alien writings hovering about. "How the hell do we get up there," Barany said. "Gotta be at least thirty feet up and I don't see any stairs." Indeed, the platform had nothing but a number of ominous antenna stretching out beneath it, looking more like spikes. There were no steps and if there was an elevator of any kind, it wasn't visible. Elden looked at you curiously for a few moments as he pondered something. "I might have an idea," he said. "Maybe you can throw one of us up there. You're strong enough for that and once up, we can drop the device down, plant charges and get the fuck out of here." Barany nodded in agreement. "Guess it's going to be me then," she said as she began unfastening her pack and ammo pouches. But before she could finish, a wail echoed through the chamber, thrumming through the floor even. Your eyes went to one of the irises as it spun open and several shapes began walking in. They were humanoid for the most part save their limbs. Digitigrade legs of steel and flesh holding the main body upright. Three-fingered clawed hands, clenching and flexing as it's arm blades speared forward. The alien cyborg's head was like a thin diamond, two large glowing compound eyes glaring at you beneath it's horns.

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

"Yeah... about that, pretty sure its within my range." I note out loud, tapping the Twin-bladed Knife against the thigh plating of my armor suit, calculating and converting the rough distances required. Blink, even at its lowest, for Daud, Corvo and the like allowed them to cross ten meters in but an instant. Thirty feet, give or take, converted to about nine meters. In about one and a half pop I could be within grabbing range of the thing, if not Infested Mobility, SPARTAN as well as Lazarus Project enhanced physical, then definitely telekinetic, even two ports consuming 40% of my Mana, I'd have enough left over to wrench it out whenether they wanted or not, whoever these gribblies were...

"I think we found the thieves," Barany noted as the creature bellowed and charged at you before vanishing into thin air. "Scatter," Elden yelled, your reflexes kicking in as you narrowly dodged a swinging blade that came out of nowhere. Barany laid down a barrage from her GL, explosions rocking the chamber as one of the creatures was blown backwards and into visibility, it's body twisted into a sparking ruin as it leaked translucent pink fluids. "Volkov! Get her up there," the major ordered as he laid down quick bursts with his weapon, trying to pierce the alien's cloak.

Though the imagery, cloaking abilities, arm-blades and the like reminded me eerily of the Ceph. Either way, bursting out a psychic shockwave coupled with some telekinetic hammer blows, I crouch and spring upwards with all my considerably enhanced, power-armored strength and Blink, grubby little mitts reaching for the device. Once it was in my grasp, I'd Blink down at a random vector. Because a soldier in flight was one very simple thing, skeet. Like hell I would be throwing anyone but my own considerably more durable ass up there, hoping not to miss and accidentally impale people I care about on the spikes.

After that was going to be a mop up, throwing around Decrepify and the like like candy for overkill purposes just in case. While I had vaguely recalled some calcs and feats for Ceph nanoweave being supposedly capable of adapting to alternate rules of reality, I highly doubt they would be able to do so the very instant it took effect. And since they were hivemind based at least to some extent, this was likely to work either extra well or at halved efficiency, but I'd rather take anything I could to deal with something that gave high-end calced nanosuit commandos problems.

  • #2,353
You and the girls spent nearly an hour running around and playing under the falling rain. Several times, they tackled each other and even you into the mud, laughing and whooping like hyenas as they played.

It was surprisingly cute and fun seeing them play and playing with them, having the time of our lives just messing about. It was friendly fun that I achingly realized I had long missed since.. well things happened.
"So with the trailer hitched up, I'm thinking given it's speed and if we keep mostly to the roads, we should manage to reach Hornwright Estate before midday," Morgan said as the three of you sat next to the camper, rain dripping off the sides of the awning. "As far as I can remember, there's not much in the way, other than the occasional roaming ghouls or Scorched infected creatures. Nothing that we can't handle. When we get there, the ID card will let us in and take us all the way up. Now, just forewarning you, it's quite the ways off the ground. We're talking easily three hundred feet up in the air.

I had a slight grimace at that. Fucking nutjobs wanting the tallest thing around. Still, I remembered that long drop onto the bridge before I had taken with Rex. "HUD, could I take that long a fall?"
The residence itself spans four floors, with several rooms for the various family members, dining rooms, parlors and what have you. Robots run the place and there's the odd ghouls that find their way up there. Usually the bots take care of them but not always. Should expect to see Protectrons, Handys and a single Assaultron if we're lucky. And while that might look formidable, pulse grenades are great at leveling those kinds of playing fields." Jenny soon began handing out bowls filled with stew, an aroma of herbs and spices mixed with the stewed meat and veggies assailing your senses. "What about this fusion generator," she asked as she ladled. "Isn't that kind of what we're after in the first place?"

It didn't sound all that dangerous to me, sentry bots would have been, the assaultrons seemed a bit nasty but handleable. Still, best to be on alert.

"More a secondary objective, it's big, important and helpful but my main goal is to gather materials to get my armor ready for tougher stuff, with the goal of getting ready for the mutant infested lab." I slightly corrected as I took my bowl and smelled deeply of the aroma. "Still, having Foundation having a working power armor recharging generator would be really really helpful for us and many other people. So, grabbing one there or enough stuff to make our own would be ideal."

Morgan nodded as she crushed some dried crackers into her bowl, mixing it in. "From what I've seen and heard, I think there's more than one," she said. "When I pulled one from there, the power was still functional. I wouldn't be surprised if there was another one somewhere. Probably even buried below the place, given Hornwright's paranoia. Dunno how to access it though, unless we can somehow hack our way into the elevator's systems. It's very complex coding and of the terminals there, none are connected to any such controls." Jenny handed you a bowl and then passed around several Nukas before sitting down in your lap, giving you a smirking smile as she dug into her food. Morgan simply leered with a chuckle. "At any rate, taking the generator apart is going to be a trickier prospect," Morgan went on. "Granted, it isn't hard to dismantle. They're quite modular in their construction. Getting it down is the problem, seeing as it's too big to fit into the elevator and even if it could, it would snap the lift's cables. My guess it was brought in via vertibird, what with the landing pad. So unless we want to take the thing completely apart, we might have to find alternatives to getting it down."

I smiled as my lap got filled, putting an arm around the minx on it while I ate and drank one handed. "Take it apart and put into my inventory might be the best way available since we don't exactly have a vertibird. And I don't think we could rent one from somebody. At least not that I know of.

Should probably test how much I can fit into it at once, used to seem to be about how much I could lift one handed, but then I've got robot arms with super strength now soooo..." I shrugged, not having had time for testing be prominent since the upgrade. Too busy fighting and then just living.

  • #2,354
Sandra snorted. "Given the nearest river's at least ten miles away to say nothing about any decent lakes or even ponds, a burlap sack," she teased. "Hell, I haven't gotten my old thing out in about three years I think. Guess you and I will have to do some shopping." She gave you a mischievous smile and wink before leaning in and pressing another kiss to your lips. The two of you stayed that way for a while before pulling away slightly breathless. "Better pace myself," Sandra said. "Otherwise I'll be late back to work. Plus I want you to have something to look forward to later." Leaning in and pecking your cheek, she rubbed your hand with hers before giving you a smile. "Have fun meeting that Titan gal," she said. "And if she tries to woo you away, just remember that you are very close to a skilled and experienced combat engineer. I can make things go boom and then some." Smiling, she made her way down the Cargonaut's ramp, hips swaying back and forth as she gave you a pleasant vision walking away.

With that, you quickly cleared away the dishes and cleaned up. It was another few hours before the meeting so you busied yourself doing some maintenance. Even with the armor in the shop, your other weapons and gear required just as much TLC as anything else. Thus, you began laying out your weapons on the kitchen table, applying various cleaning fluids and other essentials to ensure their peak operation. Amusingly, your hands became thoroughly caked in gun oil as you worked, much to Sandra's inevitable delight. By the time you finished, it was nearly five and you squared everything away to get ready. Showered and dressed, you drove across town all the way back to Tiernan's. The place didn't look any different than the last time you'd been there. It was starting to get busy as the parking lot filled up so you snagged a spot as soon as you could. The engine powered down, you headed on in and asked the maitre'd about Ms. Argento. Checking through the names, the young man nodded and promptly led you through the restaurant to a small booth near the kitchen.

Sitting there was a young blonde haired woman who saw you approach and smiled brightly. Her teeth were so white and pearly they might as well have been spotlights. And while she was dressed in a smart business suit, she left several buttons undone, allowing a faint look at the bountiful cleavage within. Her frame was svelte but also appeared athletic at the same time. Forget good genes, she could've been built in a petri dish to someone's specifications. Forget supermodel, this was an entirely new level of beauty and health. Even the models you saw displaying NG's wares at the store couldn't compete to the demi-goddess before you. Gently tousling her long blonde hair over her shoulder, she reached out with a firm and warm hand. "Ms. Flandry I presume? Molly Argento," she said in a warm and welcoming voice. "Please, please have a seat. Feel free to order whatever you like. My treat." The young man provided you with a menu as Argento took a swig of her own glass, a dark red wine swirling within. "Allow me to get straight to business, Ms. Flandry. Titan is simply looking for some product endorsement and display. To which, we're prepared to offer you one of our next generation suits or even robots for you to use in the wild," Argento began. "Plus, an annual retainer of twenty thousand credits a month, free maintenance service at any of our locations and possibly more. All for the simple matter of shall we say, promotion. Just going about, showing off the suit to whomever is interested. And of course, if they might be tempted, a business card or two. Surely that's not too much to ask, especially considering the rewards to be had?"

„As I don't even have burlack sack, we will have to plan in a shopping afternoon before the trip one way or another. Who knows, without you to guide me, someone might talk me into transparent bikini or a magical one piece.", I teased with a faint laugh as I remembered the ubiquitous transparent umbrellas that usually stood for cyberpunk – even if the city wasn't going in a MegaHab direction. With a soft snort I gave her a last lingering kiss and winked amused "Seeing you after work is enough for me to look forward to right now, everything else is just the icing on the cake.", I assured sweetly and then grinned "Got it: no making moves on the salesrep, because you know where my car parks.", I said in mock sombreness, before seeing Sandra off and back to her work.

With the afternoon just beginning and the meeting still far enough away, there was little to do but seek a quiet parking lot around the corner, pull out the various maintenance kits that had come with the small arsenal I had accumulated over the last days. Starting with the crossbows was not only sound because they were the newest and recently used weapons, but also quite simple mechanically – and thus I allowed my hands to get used to the fiddling, before attempting my luck with heavier armament. Which was of course to say that the pistols came next and while the Wilks was a sleek lock with enough little latches that I was taking my time to get used to them before trying my luck with the rifles, the Tranquilizer Pistol was easier to understand and the bolt pistol quite magical – and less reliant on mechanics.

Working my way up I was in the middle of very gingerly having my more and more confident ways with the NE-11 (having forsaken the NE-75 as I never fired it once so far), when Sandra peeked in – got a look at the manual and oil covered tabled and laughed out loudly. Not even giving me a chance to reply she ducked back into her shop and with some trepidation I noticed that it was close to the meeting time – giving me just enough time to rush into the shower and get into another new and clean pair of nondescript clothing.

Thankfully the choice of the meeting place was familiar, and I made my way to Tiernan's without having to ask anybody – or bemoan the lack of google maps beyond the mapping tool of my helmet. Of course what confidence I had in my orientational sense quickly evaporated when slipping into the small booth, facing the woman I had come to meet.

To be plain Molly Argento did not look so much as a person you would walk past on the street, rather she was akin to a billboard you would pass: pearly white teeth, innocent golden locks – sufficiently opened cleavage to draw the eyes. All of this presented in a way that was starting to set off some uncanny valley vibes, making me think of that one Flandry quote: the face a little too symmetrical, a little too perfect – a fad from the capital a few decades back. Reaching for the offered hand and giving it a firm shake, I tried to keep my face open and polite, even as I tried to think about what I had gathered about the reality I was in: maybe there was indeed a designer store for curvy blondes? Or maybe someone just had too much money and did a Miranda on their embryo. Either way, that was – while interesting- not the matter at hand and after accepting the handshake I grasped the menu with one hand, thinking about Bens recommendations as I ordered something non-alcoholic and sweet to drink.

"It is a quite lovely offer and I am pleasantly surprised that you are offering it to me Ms. Argento. I haven't been in this city or the hunting business for long and I don't think I did anything more fancy that fulfilling the contracts set out before me by the hunters lodge.", I started modestly, tempted, but at the moment not wanting to oversell myself, especially as I was most likely lacking the whole context someone who actually belonged onto this reality might know. Taking a sip from my drink as soon as it arrived, I continued:

"The offer is quite tempting and I wouldn't be opposed to duties and benefits you outlined for me Ms. Argento. If anything I think they are more than generous for someone as … unknown as me.", I said softly and then smiled "But I have to say that I am a bit more curious about you and your employers. I fear I only know the broadstrokes when it comes to Titan and would love some dinner conversation if you don't mind indulging my curiosity? I would appreciate your perspective on the company I would help to promote: who you are, what you are and what your values and goals are – beyond the production and sell of quite fetching suits of armour of course."



Veteran of a thousand psychic wars, chaotic shovel
  • #2,355
Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

"Yeah... about that, pretty sure its within my range." I note out loud, tapping the Twin-bladed Knife against the thigh plating of my armor suit, calculating and converting the rough distances required. Blink, even at its lowest, for Daud, Corvo and the like allowed them to cross ten meters in but an instant. Thirty feet, give or take, converted to about nine meters. In about one and a half pop I could be within grabbing range of the thing, if not Infested Mobility, SPARTAN as well as Lazarus Project enhanced physical, then definitely telekinetic, even two ports consuming 40% of my Mana, I'd have enough left over to wrench it out whenether they wanted or not, whoever these gribblies were...

Though the imagery, cloaking abilities, arm-blades and the like reminded me eerily of the Ceph. Either way, bursting out a psychic shockwave coupled with some telekinetic hammer blows, I crouch and spring upwards with all my considerably enhanced, power-armored strength and Blink, grubby little mitts reaching for the device. Once it was in my grasp, I'd Blink down at a random vector. Because a soldier in flight was one very simple thing, skeet. Like hell I would be throwing anyone but my own considerably more durable ass up there, hoping not to miss and accidentally impale people I care about on the spikes.

After that was going to be a mop up, throwing around Decrepify and the like like candy for overkill purposes just in case. While I had vaguely recalled some calcs and feats for Ceph nanoweave being supposedly capable of adapting to alternate rules of reality, I highly doubt they would be able to do so the very instant it took effect. And since they were hivemind based at least to some extent, this was likely to work either extra well or at halved efficiency, but I'd rather take anything I could to deal with something that gave high-end calced nanosuit commandos problems.

Your hand shot out, casting Decrepify across the area and as a result, four Ceph Guardians shimmered into existence, the magic interfering with their cloaking systems. Neither the Major or Barany wasted time, lancing them with fire with their weapons while Voytek tackled one and clawed at it viciously. However, others began entering the chamber, some getting cut down but they were very resilient creatures. "Volkov, go," Elden yelled as he bracketed another Guardian and blew it to pieces. Crouching low and clenching your muscles, you suddenly leaped high into the air towards the platform. Hands extended as far as you could, you were shooting like a cannonball towards the space and you were just inches away from it when you began falling back to the ground. But with your momentum carrying you on, you were able to grab onto the very edge with but your fingertips. Ingrained Spartan discipline ensured they didn't let go as your other hand went up and took a better hold as you pulled yourself up and onto the platform.

Below, the battle was raging, explosions rocking the ground as Barany cut loose. Several Ceph at a time went down at a time as Maj. Elden picked off targets, keeping them from being flanked. Voytek stalked about, slashing at legs and hamstringing the cyborgs as his powergun blazed away of it's own volition, cyan beams spearing through the aliens. However, they wouldn't last much longer so you had to be quick. Approaching the device, you began examining it for any sorts of controls and found some kind of alien writing inscribed on the "back" of the device. Tracing your fingers over the writings, you suddenly pulled back when the panel swiveled, revealing another set of writings. A pair of clicks echoed from the sides and you looked to see a latch on each side. Just as you were reaching for them, several tentacles shot forward and reached around your wrists, pulling them backwards. You struggled and tried to pull away but even with your strength, you were flung backwards onto one of the three connecting bridges.

Standing on the other bridge was a large Ceph, standing on four crab-like legs and a four undulating tentacles protruding from it's body. It stared at you with it's multiple red glowing eyes as it's tentacle's claws flexed and snapped in anticipation. "Volkov! We've got forty minutes," Elden called as the Ceph continued to pour into the chamber. The device was glowing even brighter now, it's power seemingly being enhanced by whatever the Ceph were doing to it. Whatever the case, that Ceph stood between you and it and it didn't look like it was going to go easy on you.

It was surprisingly cute and fun seeing them play and playing with them, having the time of our lives just messing about. It was friendly fun that I achingly realized I had long missed since.. well things happened.

I had a slight grimace at that. Fucking nutjobs wanting the tallest thing around. Still, I remembered that long drop onto the bridge before I had taken with Rex. "HUD, could I take that long a fall?"

"Analysis: yes. But you wouldn't like it," HUD replied. "Subject would suffer significant damage and require extensive repairs."
It didn't sound all that dangerous to me, sentry bots would have been, the assaultrons seemed a bit nasty but handleable. Still, best to be on alert.

"More a secondary objective, it's big, important and helpful but my main goal is to gather materials to get my armor ready for tougher stuff, with the goal of getting ready for the mutant infested lab." I slightly corrected as I took my bowl and smelled deeply of the aroma. "Still, having Foundation having a working power armor recharging generator would be really really helpful for us and many other people. So, grabbing one there or enough stuff to make our own would be ideal."

"You're not wrong," Morgan said. "Took me several weeks to coble together one with another Vaulter. Our CAMPs can build anything in their databases but they still require you to put the things together. That said, I'm surprised you haven't tried salvaging other generators. Watoga certainly has some and there are a few in the towns all over the place. And they're in fairly good working order." Jenny shrugged as she stirred the pot. "Where do you think we got the one here in town," she replied. "Pulled it from one of the boxcars up at the 98 NAR. Two guys died fighting off the bots there and we barely made it out ourselves. Hell, we did have a cart of our own, pulled by several brahmin. But it got shot to hell and we couldn't fix it. Hence why everybody got so hot and bothered over your APC turning up. With it, we can really begin hauling in goods from all over the place. Plus make even riskier runs like down to the Bog or the Ash Heap. Be nice to not have to breathe ash and soot all day."
I smiled as my lap got filled, putting an arm around the minx on it while I ate and drank one handed. "Take it apart and put into my inventory might be the best way available since we don't exactly have a vertibird. And I don't think we could rent one from somebody. At least not that I know of.

Should probably test how much I can fit into it at once, used to seem to be about how much I could lift one handed, but then I've got robot arms with super strength now soooo..." I shrugged, not having had time for testing be prominent since the upgrade. Too busy fighting and then just living.

"Maybe we could," Jenny noted as she wiggled in your lap, grinding herself against you with a smirk. "I mean, I see those vertibots flying all over the place every now and then. Granted some of them have escorts but then some don't. There's gotta be somewhere they land and refuel." Morgan's eyes went wide just as she had swallowed a spoonful of her stew and stared at the two of you. "You are absolutely right," she said once she finished her chewing. "I've seen a few of them land down at Wade Airport from time to time. They usually don't stay for long because of the odd supermutant pack that roams about. But, there are several maintenance Mr. Handies that service them when they land. They swap out fusion cores, perform basic serciving and so on." She then leaped from her seat and went back inside the camper, rummaging through her pack. After a few moments, she pulled out a small holotape with US government markings. "This is a US Gov supply requisition ," she explained, handing you the holotape. "Plug it into any broadcasting station around the area and it'll call down a cargobot within the vicinity. It'll hover over the site for a few moments before it drops it's cargo and flies off. And a few moments could be all we need."

Jenny looked at Morgan confused. "To do what? Wrangle it like one of those old bulls in the movies," she asked. Morgan smiled. "In a way. I've studied a few downed ones and managed to get a look under the hood. There's an access panel on it's side and if we could get at it and insert a holotape with reprogramming, then it'd be ours for the taking. Forget my little old APC, you guys could have those things flying in all day long, bringing you whatever." Jenny's eyes were next to widen. "That's....a really good plan," she said before looking at you. "How about it, stud? Feel like trying to ride a flying bucking bronco," she asked with a teasing smile.

„As I don't even have burlack sack, we will have to plan in a shopping afternoon before the trip one way or another. Who knows, without you to guide me, someone might talk me into transparent bikini or a magical one piece.", I teased with a faint laugh as I remembered the ubiquitous transparent umbrellas that usually stood for cyberpunk – even if the city wasn't going in a MegaHab direction. With a soft snort I gave her a last lingering kiss and winked amused "Seeing you after work is enough for me to look forward to right now, everything else is just the icing on the cake.", I assured sweetly and then grinned "Got it: no making moves on the salesrep, because you know where my car parks.", I said in mock sombreness, before seeing Sandra off and back to her work.

With the afternoon just beginning and the meeting still far enough away, there was little to do but seek a quiet parking lot around the corner, pull out the various maintenance kits that had come with the small arsenal I had accumulated over the last days. Starting with the crossbows was not only sound because they were the newest and recently used weapons, but also quite simple mechanically – and thus I allowed my hands to get used to the fiddling, before attempting my luck with heavier armament. Which was of course to say that the pistols came next and while the Wilks was a sleek lock with enough little latches that I was taking my time to get used to them before trying my luck with the rifles, the Tranquilizer Pistol was easier to understand and the bolt pistol quite magical – and less reliant on mechanics.

Working my way up I was in the middle of very gingerly having my more and more confident ways with the NE-11 (having forsaken the NE-75 as I never fired it once so far), when Sandra peeked in – got a look at the manual and oil covered tabled and laughed out loudly. Not even giving me a chance to reply she ducked back into her shop and with some trepidation I noticed that it was close to the meeting time – giving me just enough time to rush into the shower and get into another new and clean pair of nondescript clothing.

Thankfully the choice of the meeting place was familiar, and I made my way to Tiernan's without having to ask anybody – or bemoan the lack of google maps beyond the mapping tool of my helmet. Of course what confidence I had in my orientational sense quickly evaporated when slipping into the small booth, facing the woman I had come to meet.

To be plain Molly Argento did not look so much as a person you would walk past on the street, rather she was akin to a billboard you would pass: pearly white teeth, innocent golden locks – sufficiently opened cleavage to draw the eyes. All of this presented in a way that was starting to set off some uncanny valley vibes, making me think of that one Flandry quote: the face a little too symmetrical, a little too perfect – a fad from the capital a few decades back. Reaching for the offered hand and giving it a firm shake, I tried to keep my face open and polite, even as I tried to think about what I had gathered about the reality I was in: maybe there was indeed a designer store for curvy blondes? Or maybe someone just had too much money and did a Miranda on their embryo. Either way, that was – while interesting- not the matter at hand and after accepting the handshake I grasped the menu with one hand, thinking about Bens recommendations as I ordered something non-alcoholic and sweet to drink.

"It is a quite lovely offer and I am pleasantly surprised that you are offering it to me Ms. Argento. I haven't been in this city or the hunting business for long and I don't think I did anything more fancy that fulfilling the contracts set out before me by the hunters lodge.", I started modestly, tempted, but at the moment not wanting to oversell myself, especially as I was most likely lacking the whole context someone who actually belonged onto this reality might know. Taking a sip from my drink as soon as it arrived, I continued:

"The offer is quite tempting and I wouldn't be opposed to duties and benefits you outlined for me Ms. Argento. If anything I think they are more than generous for someone as … unknown as me.", I said softly and then smiled "But I have to say that I am a bit more curious about you and your employers. I fear I only know the broadstrokes when it comes to Titan and would love some dinner conversation if you don't mind indulging my curiosity? I would appreciate your perspective on the company I would help to promote: who you are, what you are and what your values and goals are – beyond the production and sell of quite fetching suits of armour of course."

Argento smiled as you ordered your drink and a small basket of freshly baked bread rolls and butter was placed on the table. "Well, Titan's a relative newcomer in the market you could say," she said as she picked up one of the rolls and split it open. The warm scent wafted from it as she slowly buttered it's insides. "Northern Gun, Wilks, even Wellington have all been in business for about a century give or take. Since just before the Coalition's founding. Compared to them, Titan's been in business for about thirty years or so. And while they have made a name for themselves as being reliable products, Titan likes to think of itself as a mark above. More sophisticated for the discerning adventurer, soldier and so forth. And while NG would never admit it publicly, they know our machines are outpacing there's in capability and function. Which is what we strive to do. The company knows full well how dangerous this world is. Even small settlements like this are very vulnerable and we want to provide the best products to ensure it's safety." The waiter returned with your drink and a small tray of various appetizers with which to sample. Small quesadillas, mozzerrella sticks, assorted meat skewers, dips and various other things.

"Sadly, we also don't toe the Coalition's lines," Argento continued as she took one of the skewers and slid all of the meat off it in one go, quickly chewing and swallowing. "You see, they prefer to be the ones with the most advanced technology in the region. And if they had their way, it'd probably be the entire planet as well. They want everyone dumber and more primitive. Just look at how they forbid reading and writing across their territory. Most of their army is barely literate, if only to read basic things for operating their equipment. Only their more "esteemed" citizens get the privilege of a real education. But that's neither here nor there. Point is, Titan wants to push the envelope and make even better things for the people. Not just what the Coalition permits them to have. And that's one of our dearest ideals. To push the envelope and embrace the new and wonderous. So that we can use that to build a better world for everyone, human, d-bee and so on alike. Another thing which sets us apart from Northern Gun. We actively seek out and hire dimensional beings from all over to come work for us. NG might keep theirs on the downlow but not us. We pride ourselves on giving everyone an equal opportunity."

Taking another sip of her wine, she smiled, her teeth still inhumanly pearly white. "As for myself, I've been working for the company for little over a decade now," Argento noted. "Started out as a simple delivery agent, getting to know customers and all. Guess people really liked my attitude because I worked my way up and now I handle delivery operations over the area. I'm usually working out of the Merctown office but I do a lot of shall we say door to door promoting. Setting up merc companies, adventurer groups, militias and so on. Which is what brought me out this way. My plan was to offer a few of our newer models to Mr. Crane's dealership and see who'd be interested. And that's how I heard about you and your efforts in one of our flagship models no less." Picking up one of the small cheesesticks, she swirled it around in the dark marinara sauce with a suggestive twist of her wrist as she smiled at you and took a bite off the end. "You'd make an excellent advertising pitch to many communities out here, looking for quality protection at affordable prices. Especially when they hear of all the good you've done with just our first line items. What we have in the works is going to blow the competition away," Argento said with a mirthful smile.



Hungry, Hungry Chryssalids...
  • #2,356
Standing on the other bridge was a large Ceph, standing on four crab-like legs and a four undulating tentacles protruding from it's body. It stared at you with it's multiple red glowing eyes as it's tentacle's claws flexed and snapped in anticipation. "Volkov! We've got forty minutes," Elden called as the Ceph continued to pour into the chamber. The device was glowing even brighter now, it's power seemingly being enhanced by whatever the Ceph were doing to it. Whatever the case, that Ceph stood between you and it and it didn't look like it was going to go easy on you.

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

"You've no idea what you're doing do you?" I asked the mastermind almost rhetorically, tense with anticipation as well, but deciding to use some Illusion Projection for an idea. Despite the Gardener hypothesis and the like, that the Ceph on Crysis's Earth were naught but tools, they were clearly highly intelligent to be Turing complete or more, their who knows how long control of Karl Ernst Rasch, when he presumably refused to take Hargreave's 'cold road to immortality' and got his ass compromised by the Alpha Ceph through whatever nanotechnological way he used to prolong his miserable life. They had to have known how to communicate with humanity of 'their' world, they simply chose not to for whatever the reason in their alien minds.

"Every moment's passing increases the distortions that device creates. And attracts attention...-"

Behind and above me a projected illusion, a flash of the Doom Slayer's, or rather presumably Davoth's sigil, then an awakening Icon of Sin portal forming in front of it as it walks onto a Jekkad ravaged Earth. But I wasn't looking for some 'boo-hoo' sympathy, more like scaring the proverbial quasi-locals straight.


Deadly attention."

The Icon roars, and for the lack of a better way to visualize it, since we never saw it grow strong enough to drag that universe and all its disparate mortal and 'divine' inhabitants into the all consuming realm of Jekkad, I use the way how Alma's ghostly projections form, space warping, but not outwards, instead it scrunched inwards. And as it did so the view-point of the illusion started rapidly zooming out. First the planet, then the sun, then the system as whole, and more and more. Star systems zoom by in an instant, and as galaxies start being seen, briefly the view-point skids past the Triangulum Galaxy, the presumable origin of the Earth Ceph, but ultimately the projection continued mercilessly onward, stellar nebulae, clusters, superclusters and more, until it all metaphorically screeched to a halt, the whole observable universe. Untold numbers of galaxies and the like, looking almost like some weird neuron made out of stellar matter.

And all the while, centered on the illusion was a slowly growing dot of distortion.

The illusion rotates as the distortion grows and consumes the illusory universe, looking like an Einstein-Rosen Bridge writ large, the same method the Alpha Ceph tried to bring more reinforcements from its parent galaxy, but instead of bridging a distance, it just took and took and took the universe into the representation of the timeless Jekkad universe, which was in a similar orb-like shape, but red, flickering and distorted fragments, as if made from multiple universes, which was represented in the Jekkad-orb being several times larger that the normal observable universe orb.

And then more normal 'orbs' representing other realities and universes fade in and the Jekkad-orb shudders, resonating as tendril-like distortions start reaching out from it to the other realities.

"Now, I don't expect you to give a shit about other people, but some measure of enlightened self-interest would be good... so stop ringing the fucking dinner bell, and hand over the device before we all get eaten. Or don't.

Your choice ."

Though all this showmanship didn't mean I wasn't ready to just start blasting. If it looked like the fucking thing wasn't even bothering to listen, I'd just hit it with a Warp, flip on Might and hose it down with the AP Gun, drop that to PUGS, switch to the Nova Corps Rifle use the alt-fire that has it discharge all its mag in one burst, switch my other heavy weapons and just keep fucking firing. Rocket launchers, gauss rifles, bazookoids. I had more than enough firepower, and more importantly, something that Prophet lacked, the ability to multiply the damage that firepower caused through Enchant, Warp and Might. First adds extra damage, second weakens armor, third enhances damage done by attacks.

We did not have the time to do it the way it's usually defeated. Through cloaking, destroying its drones and repurposed corpses of other Ceph, over a period of give or take maybe a generous twenty minutes. Nor did I have a way to deal with its bullshit grabby energy beams. At most maybe I could Blink out of its grasp, but that's an iffy maybe. Blink, while it worked effectively like a teleport, in practice it was more of a rapid transition from Point A to Point B through the intervening space.

After all, any physical object in the path of Blink will be treated as if running into it at high speed, this includes walls of light, which kill Corvo or Daud if they attempt to blink through them. The same is true for arc pylons; though that is avoidable if they do it fast enough. In Dishonored 2, Corvo can pass through glass, smashing it but taking no damage, and if an enemy is in the user's path while blinking, the opponent will be pushed with low force. If the path manages to only overlay with an enemy's head, they will be knocked down onto the floor for a short time.

Either way, if this thing grabs me I was unlikely to be able to escape without help. But since Elden, Barany and Voytek were busy down there, if "negotiations" broke down I would be shit out of luck. I didn't have a nanosuit, at most the vaguely closest thing was maybe the Reaper cybernetics from Lazarus Project enhancements, or psychic shockwaves, there was that one odd log about the Mastermind. Of it's use of Ceph thought-energy. The highly optimistic thought here was, if it grabbed me, I could use the psychic shockwave in a similar way to how Prophet overpowered the Mastermind with an energy blast of his own. But I'd rather not rely on that.

So the only actual way of beating this thing I had was Blinking behind it and hitting it in its gelatin with a sufficiently hard (to paraphrase MechWarrior terminology or whatever) Alpha Strike of my most powerful weapons, much like with the Brood creature back in the previous universe. No breathing space, no mercy, dump as much of

everything I can into its hide and hope to slag it before it ends things likely not in our favour.
Last edited:
  • #2,357
Argento smiled as you ordered your drink and a small basket of freshly baked bread rolls and butter was placed on the table. "Well, Titan's a relative newcomer in the market you could say," she said as she picked up one of the rolls and split it open. The warm scent wafted from it as she slowly buttered it's insides. "Northern Gun, Wilks, even Wellington have all been in business for about a century give or take. Since just before the Coalition's founding. Compared to them, Titan's been in business for about thirty years or so. And while they have made a name for themselves as being reliable products, Titan likes to think of itself as a mark above. More sophisticated for the discerning adventurer, soldier and so forth. And while NG would never admit it publicly, they know our machines are outpacing there's in capability and function. Which is what we strive to do. The company knows full well how dangerous this world is. Even small settlements like this are very vulnerable and we want to provide the best products to ensure it's safety." The waiter returned with your drink and a small tray of various appetizers with which to sample. Small quesadillas, mozzerrella sticks, assorted meat skewers, dips and various other things.

"Sadly, we also don't toe the Coalition's lines," Argento continued as she took one of the skewers and slid all of the meat off it in one go, quickly chewing and swallowing. "You see, they prefer to be the ones with the most advanced technology in the region. And if they had their way, it'd probably be the entire planet as well. They want everyone dumber and more primitive. Just look at how they forbid reading and writing across their territory. Most of their army is barely literate, if only to read basic things for operating their equipment. Only their more "esteemed" citizens get the privilege of a real education. But that's neither here nor there. Point is, Titan wants to push the envelope and make even better things for the people. Not just what the Coalition permits them to have. And that's one of our dearest ideals. To push the envelope and embrace the new and wonderous. So that we can use that to build a better world for everyone, human, d-bee and so on alike. Another thing which sets us apart from Northern Gun. We actively seek out and hire dimensional beings from all over to come work for us. NG might keep theirs on the downlow but not us. We pride ourselves on giving everyone an equal opportunity."

Taking another sip of her wine, she smiled, her teeth still inhumanly pearly white. "As for myself, I've been working for the company for little over a decade now," Argento noted. "Started out as a simple delivery agent, getting to know customers and all. Guess people really liked my attitude because I worked my way up and now I handle delivery operations over the area. I'm usually working out of the Merctown office but I do a lot of shall we say door to door promoting. Setting up merc companies, adventurer groups, militias and so on. Which is what brought me out this way. My plan was to offer a few of our newer models to Mr. Crane's dealership and see who'd be interested. And that's how I heard about you and your efforts in one of our flagship models no less." Picking up one of the small cheesesticks, she swirled it around in the dark marinara sauce with a suggestive twist of her wrist as she smiled at you and took a bite off the end. "You'd make an excellent advertising pitch to many communities out here, looking for quality protection at affordable prices. Especially when they hear of all the good you've done with just our first line items. What we have in the works is going to blow the competition away," Argento said with a mirthful smile.

Two things were for sure: Ms Argento knew her spiel – and the bread was delicious. Taking another small nibble of the fresh and soft buns, I listened attentively to Titans pitch for themselves, before shifting a little and grasped one of the appetizers for a change. "One thing that does intrigue me, mostly because I haven't been around here for long: how does that actually function?", taking a bit out of a mozzarella stick I waved it lightly from side to side: "It's hard for me to wrap my head around the question of how sophisticated and improved products get produced in a world without international supply lines or even an existing university system. If anything, the Coalition seems to cripple itself back towards a pre-modern state of being: even conscripts need to be able to read and calculate to fill out the sheets for the shooting range.", pausing a little I quirked an eyebrow: "I guess this means that all the companies, as well as Titan, are stuck with inhouse training and education? Very American, but still sounds like hardly the best system of pushing for innovation – or even keeping understanding of what you have."

Taking a small sip from my drink I shrugged softly "You don't need to answer that of course, it's just something that vexes me a little when out and about: the world seems so…small at times, split into city states and parted by monsters and oceans, but at the same time you have the wondrous and advanced not only walking through the streets, but peddled by corner shops, vehicle parks and outlets. It's a bit schizophrenic.", I said softly and then sighed "But that's just me being strange I guess."

Of course, the notion of Ms. Argento something else did sound a bit more possible when she said that she was working for Titan for a decade at this point, something that was hard to check with her quite…ageless looks. Still, it was a nice coincidence that she was operating from MercTown, something to look into later as I took another sip from my own glass: "You are aware…I modified the helmet of the Titan a little?", I said carefully, wondering if that clashed with the impression she wanted to give – or only served it to show off the modularity and serviceability of the Titan. "That was of course a personal preference, same with the gauntlets, I guess depending on your costumer's mutability is a perk."

Leaning back a little I smiled "Well, I like your pitch quite well, if you have any tips, please feel free to tell me about them. So far I am perfectly happy with your companies armour, and it has kept me alive through a necromancer and vampire confrontation – I guess you do have my burning curiosity to see what comes next. In truth Mr. Crane also contacted me about endorsing his dealership, but I have no details on this yet and I was planning on a trip to MercTown in two days to accompany someone whose going there on business."

  • #2,358
"No promises," Madison replied as she took aim and fired. The next shot blew off one of the blue mech's arms off, sending it spinning from the impact. It's fellows drew down on the Devastator and fired, laser fire streaking through the air at the vehicle. Feltrite-infused armor reddened under the impacts but held as you brought the pulse guns to bear and fired. The mechs were peppered with energy fire, two getting driven back as their central masses were pockmarked and slowly slagged. One staggered back as it's leg joint was severed and it fell to the ground on it's belly. The larger red mech though braced itself and suddenly, a pair of missiles flew from it's shoulder rack. Your hands moved in a flurry as you wheeled the Devastator about, trying to avoid the fire. One of the missiles struck a tree, blowing it to splinters. Unfortunately, the grounds you found yourself on weren't as easy to traverse as the deserts you'd been used to. The Devastator was jumping and rattling as it rolled over and through bushes, branches and wildly uneven ground. Which is why when the wheels got stuck, your breath hitched as the second missile came streaking at you.

Only for Madison to spin the turret around just in time and fire. The pulse blast blew the missile out of the sky and then blasted the red mech's upper torso off, sending it toppling backwards. As it laid smoking from the ruin, the one-armed mech was raising it's other arm, a nasty and long chainsaw sliding forth and spinning up. Just before it could close and slice at the Devastator's hull, a torrent of gunfire struck it's chest. Your eyes quickly tracked as several shapes surged into the area, more mechs. Whereas the ones that'd attacked you were blocky, these has a smoother, bulbous appearance. The one that had fired had a shoulder mounted Gatling gun and a missile rack to the side of it's head, a red glowing eye it's dominant feature. Other smaller mechs swarmed around it, moving to secure the scene and the fallen mechs. The one you'd blown the leg off simply stopped before an explosion blew out it's back, leaving a gaping smoking hole.

"I gotta bad feeling about this," Madison said as the newcomers surrounded you. A signal soon came in, French of all things issuing orders as your system translated. <"You in the vehicle! I am Caporal Charles Deguerre, Republican Army. This is a contested region. Identify yourselves and state your purpose here. Compliance is mandatory.">

"Trevor Wierzbowski" Sheet​

Oh no, the french.

Out of the all consuming tyberium frying pan into the frog pond.

Picking up the radio receiver I formulated a answer to the french, that wasn't a taunt about smelling the french from their lack of deodorant in this jungle. Glancing at the readings for the shields, I wanted to see how long we had before they were back up. "Trevor Wierzbowski, accompanied by Madison. Adventurers, and wanders, rather lost ones at that, and no matter what the missus's says, I will not ask for directions. But, any help getting unstuck from this pickle would be appreciated." I gingerly introduced ourselves.

I suppose I should be glad I'm wearing my bullet proof business wear instead of my full out military kit which would ring seven and a half warning bells.

Ginger Maniac
  • #2,359
The robot's optics whirred as it looked at you, considering your offer. For several minutes, it stood utterly motionless before it finally responded. [Yyyyyouu helllp Kahya,] it asked. [Kkkkahya gooood workker. Takeee good carrreee of masssters. Kahyaaaa get neeew bodyyyyy, work betttttter.] With that, it rose up and walked stutteringly over to you and Cass before getting down on it's rickety knees. Kahya removed it's frayed and tattered hat and opened a small port atop of it's head. Inside were several blinking lights and diodes as a small object extended itself. [Kahya reaaaady. Sllllep now,] it said as you reached in and pulled it's memory core from it's mounting. The memory core was as thin and wide as an old GameBoy cartridge, it's exterior withered as well. However, your scans indicated it was still functional despite centuries of neglect. If the data could be transferred to another storage device, Kahya would live on again. Albeit after a thorough examination of it's code and likely an intensive line by line fix. Thankfully, SHODAN gave you a considerable wealth of knowledge to work with, even if it was mostly autonomous and subconscious. "Poor guy. Centuries waiting for someone, anyone to find him. And the best he can hope for is a chance that he'll be rebuilt," Cass said as Kahya's body began shutting down. "I hope we can."
"Sleep well, Kahya," I tell the robot before removing the core. Everything that matters is in here. It's just a matter of getting the time to sift through the data, and working out what wants copying for the Archives and what needs fixing to make sure the operating system continues to... well, operate.

"No hope about it, Cass," I tell her, weighing the core in my hand before transferring it into my inventory. "It's happening, I guarantee it. I have some ideas and preferences for off-the-shelf base models, but in the end, if I have to make do with a cave and a box of scraps, I will."

With the core in your hand, it was a simple matter to place it in PUGS, vanishing from sight. There it would never wither, never deteriorate. A perfect place for Kahya to rest until his resurrection. Gently patting the machine's body, you led Cass out of the old hideout and back up to the surface. Returning to the Novalis, you informed Capt. Hrothgar of the situation, including Kahya. As far as he was concerned, you'd shut down an ancient servitor robot long past it's prime, only salvaging it's memories for the Archives. He nodded in understanding. "Luckily the dig crew won't have to go there," he said. "We'll leave it along for the time being until a proper observance for the dead can be had. Otherwise, well done." After being dismissed, you and Cass got some grub and some rack time, allowing yourselves a respite in the storm that swirled around you. The following morning, reports from the dig team came in. The fusion generator was now fully operational and by the end of the day, they'd have their other systems online. All they'd need next was the rest of the construction team to arrive and begin truly building the base. Not bad for little more than twenty-four hours of work all things considered. However, it'd be another week before the rest of the crew arrived, along with their security detachment. Luckily the Novalis would remain in the area until then.
Construction continues to proceed apace, I see. And it's past time I got something to eat. I've hardly forgotten that this little affair came right before lunch, so it's very much scoff-o'clock. And it's nice to get a bit of a rest afterwards, too. Kahya's situation turned out much better than it could have, so while I'm not pleased about the massacre the dead people represent, the intervening centuries make them as individuals rather detached from me personally. I'll just have to do their memory justice through Kahya.
After the dig crew completed hiding their efforts, the captain gave the order to lift off and proceed to the next objective. Some two hundred kilometers away, the Caduceus and it's APU charges were marching into position and should nearly be at their target. The Novalis dusted off and began it's journey towards the location, soaring through the sky on it's hoverpads as the sky thundered and rained. Once more at your post, you kept an eye out for hostiles as the ship sailed over the broken ruins of the world below. You were hovering through another megacity when your sensors picked up something nearby. It was there for a split-second and had your optics not been as sharp, you'd have mistaken it for a mere blip. Adjusting and attuning the ship's passive sensors, you tried to reacquire the contact. As the Novalis was passing near an old arcology, the screen lit up with hundreds of contacts as a horde of Sentinels exploded from the old building. "Action stations! Man the guns," Hrothgar cried out as everyone scrambled. On your screen, you counted at least two hundred Sentinels closing fast on your position.
If I'd blinked, I'd've missed it. "Contact," I call out, giving the bearing. "Very brief. I'm trying to pick it back up now, Captain, but it didn't look like a ghost." I match actions to words, before-

"Contact! Many Sentinels, emerging from the arcology! Estimate two hundred plus!" Even as the Captain is responding, I'm bringing the main gun online, and making sure the sensor picture is being fed to all the right fire control equipment. After that, it's just a matter of picking out the densest portions of the swarm for a little bit of chain lightning. And, of course, keeping an eye on our arse, just in case this isn't all the bad news going around.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the 'covert' part of our observation mission might no longer apply.



Veteran of a thousand psychic wars, chaotic shovel
  • #2,360
Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

"You've no idea what you're doing do you?" I asked the mastermind almost rhetorically, tense with anticipation as well, but deciding to use some Illusion Projection for an idea. Despite the Gardener hypothesis and the like, that the Ceph on Crysis's Earth were naught but tools, they were clearly highly intelligent to be Turing complete or more, their who knows how long control of Karl Ernst Rasch, when he presumably refused to take Hargreave's 'cold road to immortality' and got his ass compromised by the Alpha Ceph through whatever nanotechnological way he used to prolong his miserable life. They had to have known how to communicate with humanity of 'their' world, they simply chose not to for whatever the reason in their alien minds.

"Every moment's passing increases the distortions that device creates. And attracts attention...-"

Behind and above me a projected illusion, a flash of the Doom Slayer's, or rather presumably Davoth's sigil, then an awakening Icon of Sin portal forming in front of it as it walks onto a Jekkad ravaged Earth. But I wasn't looking for some 'boo-hoo' sympathy, more like scaring the proverbial quasi-locals straight.


Deadly attention."

The Icon roars, and for the lack of a better way to visualize it, since we never saw it grow strong enough to drag that universe and all its disparate mortal and 'divine' inhabitants into the all consuming realm of Jekkad, I use the way how Alma's ghostly projections form, space warping, but not outwards, instead it scrunched inwards. And as it did so the view-point of the illusion started rapidly zooming out. First the planet, then the sun, then the system as whole, and more and more. Star systems zoom by in an instant, and as galaxies start being seen, briefly the view-point skids past the Triangulum Galaxy, the presumable origin of the Earth Ceph, but ultimately the projection continued mercilessly onward, stellar nebulae, clusters, superclusters and more, until it all metaphorically screeched to a halt, the whole observable universe. Untold numbers of galaxies and the like, looking almost like some weird neuron made out of stellar matter.

And all the while, centered on the illusion was a slowly growing dot of distortion.

The illusion rotates as the distortion grows and consumes the illusory universe, looking like an Einstein-Rosen Bridge writ large, the same method the Alpha Ceph tried to bring more reinforcements from its parent galaxy, but instead of bridging a distance, it just took and took and took the universe into the representation of the timeless Jekkad universe, which was in a similar orb-like shape, but red, flickering and distorted fragments, as if made from multiple universes, which was represented in the Jekkad-orb being several times larger that the normal observable universe orb.

And then more normal 'orbs' representing other realities and universes fade in and the Jekkad-orb shudders, resonating as tendril-like distortions start reaching out from it to the other realities.

"Now, I don't expect you to give a shit about other people, but some measure of enlightened self-interest would be good... so stop ringing the fucking dinner bell, and hand over the device before we all get eaten. Or don't.

Your choice ."

Though all this showmanship didn't mean I wasn't ready to just start blasting. If it looked like the fucking thing wasn't even bothering to listen, I'd just hit it with a Warp, flip on Might and hose it down with the AP Gun, drop that to PUGS, switch to the Nova Corps Rifle use the alt-fire that has it discharge all its mag in one burst, switch my other heavy weapons and just keep fucking firing. Rocket launchers, gauss rifles, bazookoids. I had more than enough firepower, and more importantly, something that Prophet lacked, the ability to multiply the damage that firepower caused through Enchant, Warp and Might. First adds extra damage, second weakens armor, third enhances damage done by attacks.

We did not have the time to do it the way it's usually defeated. Through cloaking, destroying its drones and repurposed corpses of other Ceph, over a period of give or take maybe a generous twenty minutes. Nor did I have a way to deal with its bullshit grabby energy beams. At most maybe I could Blink out of its grasp, but that's an iffy maybe. Blink, while it worked effectively like a teleport, in practice it was more of a rapid transition from Point A to Point B through the intervening space.

After all, any physical object in the path of Blink will be treated as if running into it at high speed, this includes walls of light, which kill Corvo or Daud if they attempt to blink through them. The same is true for arc pylons; though that is avoidable if they do it fast enough. In Dishonored 2, Corvo can pass through glass, smashing it but taking no damage, and if an enemy is in the user's path while blinking, the opponent will be pushed with low force. If the path manages to only overlay with an enemy's head, they will be knocked down onto the floor for a short time.

Either way, if this thing grabs me I was unlikely to be able to escape without help. But since Elden, Barany and Voytek were busy down there, if "negotiations" broke down I would be shit out of luck. I didn't have a nanosuit, at most the vaguely closest thing was maybe the Reaper cybernetics from Lazarus Project enhancements, or psychic shockwaves, there was that one odd log about the Mastermind. Of it's use of Ceph thought-energy. The highly optimistic thought here was, if it grabbed me, I could use the psychic shockwave in a similar way to how Prophet overpowered the Mastermind with an energy blast of his own. But I'd rather not rely on that.

So the only actual way of beating this thing I had was Blinking behind it and hitting it in its gelatin with a sufficiently hard (to paraphrase MechWarrior terminology or whatever) Alpha Strike of my most powerful weapons, much like with the Brood creature back in the previous universe. No breathing space, no mercy, dump as much of

everything I can into its hide and hope to slag it before it ends things likely not in our favour.
The Mastermind stood on the bridge, witnessing the myriad realities and possibilities that you posited before it. It stared at them for several long moments before one of it's tentacled arms simply waved through the illusion, dispelling it. Can't say that the Ceph are weak-minded or easily intimidated. After several million years of conquering galaxies, they must be doing something right. Regardless, it's tentacles began lashing at you with bolts of energy, streaking through the air as they tracked after you. Running and diving along the bridge, you flung several Warps at it, dark biotic energy gouging chunks of it's body out as you ran. As you cast Might upon yourself, it coalesced it's energy into several massive bursts and slung them at you. Were it not for the athleticism of your body, you would've been incinerated as they streaked past you. The Xiala shield instantly popped as the mere fringe of the pulses seared past it, knocking it off-line for several seconds. Your armor was holding thankfully.

As the Ceph took a moment to recharge, you drew on it and opened fire with the AP gun, a steady torrent of heavy caliber fire hammering against it's shell. Despite the relentless assault, the alien cyborg seemed to take it with a moderate degree of ease, barely being driven backwards. As the magazine clicked dry, you instantly switched to your Nova rifle and continued the assault. A cascade of fire wreathed the Ceph's body as energy bursts lanced it, seemingly pushing it back some. The assault never ended, you hands quickly swapping out one magazine for another and then another weapon. With the sheer speed of your attacks, the Mastermind's shell begun to wither and crack until several rents in it's armor appeared. And all it cost you was eighty-five percent of your total ammunition. Including all of your heaviest ordnance.

Staggering and two of it's tentacles severed, the Mastermind bellowed and began summoning several Ceph to it. A number of Guardians broke off their attack from the others to leap up onto the platform, where the Mastermind began taking them apart. Bandages for it's wounds. There was no time left. Unsheathing the Quietus, you blasted away, green fireballs immolating the Ceph drones before they could patch up the boss. As it was distracted, you Blinked behind it and drove the Quietus into it's exposed flesh, up to the hilt and firing as many times as you could. The gelatinous flesh inside steamed and melted away as the creature roared in agony, one of it's remaining tentacles swinging at you and missing as you ducked low. Popping up behind another side, you stabbed again and filled the Ceph with green fire, immolating more jelly until it exploded it's gooey guts at you. Scuttling away from you, it wailed and howled as fluids leaked out of it's wounds, a glowing red energy beginning to flash from within. You had only a few moments to scatter before it exploded like the Fourth of July in a wave of blue-white energy. When the dust settled, it's remains sat scattered all over, blue flames flickering upon them.

The Ceph below howled, several of them exploding as a sort of energy feedback lanced back and forth between them until they collapsed. As their bodies smoked and lay on the ground, you returned to the device and grasped the two levers on it's side. Pulling at the same time, you heard the machine whine before it's energy began to fade, the crystal at the center dimming. "Hurry," Elden called out as you took the device with you and leapt back down to the ground. Barany and Voytek raced towards the fading distortion, you and the Major hot on their heels and closing the distance. It winked faster and faster, forcing you and Elden to dive through, just in the nick of time as it vanished entirely. You found yourselves back in the basement of the facility just outside the power room. Nearby, Ferrana and the others stood at the ready with their weapons, sounds of relief echoing from them. "It's done," the Major said, patting your shoulder before the two of you stood up. And then you looked at the timer. Ten minutes remained before the artillery strike. The major tried getting in touch with Dr. Kaur but there was no reply. And the signals from the basement weren't penetrating to the surface either.

Two things were for sure: Ms Argento knew her spiel – and the bread was delicious. Taking another small nibble of the fresh and soft buns, I listened attentively to Titans pitch for themselves, before shifting a little and grasped one of the appetizers for a change. "One thing that does intrigue me, mostly because I haven't been around here for long: how does that actually function?", taking a bit out of a mozzarella stick I waved it lightly from side to side: "It's hard for me to wrap my head around the question of how sophisticated and improved products get produced in a world without international supply lines or even an existing university system. If anything, the Coalition seems to cripple itself back towards a pre-modern state of being: even conscripts need to be able to read and calculate to fill out the sheets for the shooting range.", pausing a little I quirked an eyebrow: "I guess this means that all the companies, as well as Titan, are stuck with inhouse training and education? Very American, but still sounds like hardly the best system of pushing for innovation – or even keeping understanding of what you have."

Taking a small sip from my drink I shrugged softly "You don't need to answer that of course, it's just something that vexes me a little when out and about: the world seems so…small at times, split into city states and parted by monsters and oceans, but at the same time you have the wondrous and advanced not only walking through the streets, but peddled by corner shops, vehicle parks and outlets. It's a bit schizophrenic.", I said softly and then sighed "But that's just me being strange I guess."

"Believe it or not, you're not the only one," Argento said as she took an eggrol and bit the end off of it. "The Coalition's model is rather unsustainable and it will only grow more and more untenable as their attempts of conquest grow. If anything, Tolkeen has shown a great many of it's soldiers life beyond the borders of their fortress-cities and homesteads. And that their enemies are just as human as they are." She finished her wine and placed it on the edge of the table, awaiting a refill. "On the subject of building materials, well, there are veritable plethora of ruins scattered across the land," she explained. "The so-called Golden Age before the Cataclysm left many wonders of their world behind to be salvaged and repurposed. Which is how many city-states and nations managed to survive the Dark Age. Even Titan attributes it's own success to reverse-engineering such marvels. Though we've also expanded upon them in far more fantastic ways than our competitors expected. At any rate, many nation-states have done their best to cultivate knowledge where ever they can find it. Knowing how to keep energy weapons, power armor and other such marvels were crucial when raiders or hostile d-bees rampaged across the land. There was a point where the Coalition was even going that way and becoming a beacon of knowledge. Sadly, it died with Joseph Prosek the First, leaving his son Karl, the current emperor to craft his brutal regime."

A waiter came by and refreshed Argento's glass. "Thankfully, Titan doesn't have to put up with their shenanigans," she said with a smile. "NG maybe cornering the market in a good many of the Coalition's territories but they're facing stiff competition beyond it. And Titan intends to at the very least be one of it's superiors by the end of the next decade. Especially with some of the rumors we've been hearing. Tolkeen may be conquered but a great deal of it's leaders and army has managed to escape the sacking. And they took a large amount of the city's treasury with them. A not so insignificant foundation with which to finance their quest for either reconstruction or revenge. Then there's the matter of this.....warning that came a few years back. Some kind of prophecy of a colossal war to be waged here on Earth. Regardless, all these are great openings for my company to further it's drive to the top of the market. Efforts you could help advance."

Of course, the notion of Ms. Argento something else did sound a bit more possible when she said that she was working for Titan for a decade at this point, something that was hard to check with her quite…ageless looks. Still, it was a nice coincidence that she was operating from MercTown, something to look into later as I took another sip from my own glass: "You are aware…I modified the helmet of the Titan a little?", I said carefully, wondering if that clashed with the impression she wanted to give – or only served it to show off the modularity and serviceability of the Titan. "That was of course a personal preference, same with the gauntlets, I guess depending on your costumer's mutability is a perk."

Leaning back a little I smiled "Well, I like your pitch quite well, if you have any tips, please feel free to tell me about them. So far I am perfectly happy with your companies armour, and it has kept me alive through a necromancer and vampire confrontation – I guess you do have my burning curiosity to see what comes next. In truth Mr. Crane also contacted me about endorsing his dealership, but I have no details on this yet and I was planning on a trip to Queenston in two days to accompany someone whose going there on business."

"Oh yes, I am aware," Argento said with a smile. "I did see the modifications you asked Mr. Algurak to make. The Men-Rall are quite capable beings. Shame they're mostly down in South America with their Legion associates. But nonetheless, it was quite ingenious work. Something I'm sure my superiors will take into consideration with future designs. We may even offer you an extra bonus for your ingenuity." The waiter returned and took your orders after you had a look at the menu, Argento ordering one of their larger steaks with mushrooms and bernaise, a fully loaded baked potato and a Caesar salad as well. "You've no idea how hungry you can get when you're out on the road with several hundred miles between stops," she noted with a chuckle as you regarded her choice. "So Queenston, eh? That's an interesting destination. Titan has zero interest in the mystical and such but we do like to keep abreast of such communities. Especially when they offer lucrative business opportunities. I do hope you enjoy it, for whatever reasons. On that note, I think I should allow you to hear the rest of my offer. As I said, we're interested in supplying you with one of our new models for demonstration purposes. One of which happens to be the new Flying Titan mk.2. Considering your fondness for it, I'm sure you'll more than appreciate the next iteration of the design and just what it can do for you."
"Trevor Wierzbowski" Sheet​

Oh no, the french.

Out of the all consuming tyberium frying pan into the frog pond.

Picking up the radio receiver I formulated a answer to the french, that wasn't a taunt about smelling the french from their lack of deodorant in this jungle. Glancing at the readings for the shields, I wanted to see how long we had before they were back up. "Trevor Wierzbowski, accompanied by Madison. Adventurers, and wanders, rather lost ones at that, and no matter what the missus's says, I will not ask for directions. But, any help getting unstuck from this pickle would be appreciated." I gingerly introduced ourselves.

I suppose I should be glad I'm wearing my bullet proof business wear instead of my full out military kit which would ring seven and a half warning bells.

Several long moments stretched out as you waited for an answer. The shields flashed constantly for awhile before the capacitors began refilling. It'd be at least a minute before they fully recharged and a lot could happen in a minute. <"Monsiuer Wierzbowski, if you will sit still a moment, we will assist you,"> Deguerre replied. Through the windows, you watched as one of the mechs walked over and reached down with it's arm, grabbing the front bumper. Carefully, it pulled up and with the pilot's cue, you slowly rolled the Devastator backwards until it was on even ground. The mech slowly lowered the front end down, the wheels groaning in relief as they touched down. <"My orders are to bring in any unknown parties to our field base,"> Deguerre informed you. <"Follow us and stay close. Earther units like this one are still lurking."> That got a raised eyebrow out of Madison. "Earther? You don't think he means we're not Earth do you," she asked nervously. "Bad enough when we thought these guys were just French. But space-French?"

As two of the mechs strode forward, you put the tank into gear and followed them through the jungle terrain. Outside and despite appearances, you could see that this was no ordinary jungle. Birds of strange reptillian appearance, intricately spun spider webs of unusual size, even weird looking lizard-like monkeys with disturbingly human faces. "Um, is that a dinosaur out there," Madison asked, pointing to a trio of very large creatures that were almost T-Rexian in appearance. One of the mechs swung it's rifle in their direction and they quickly scampered away. <"Pack lizards don't like metal but stay in your car until we reach base,"> Deguerre warned as you traveled further. Every now and then, the lead mechs would stop and search around the area. Apparently, it was looking for mines and found them they did every now and then. They would quickly dig them out with their hand weapons and then detonate them elsewhere. It was slow going but it beat running over them unawares.

Overhead, the sun continued to shine as the group finally emerged into a large clearing. At the center of it was a large encampment, dozens of other mechs along with armored vehicles were parked behind field walls and pillboxes. A few VTOLs sat parked on the jungle floor, many of them easily capable of carrying the mechs in small numbers. The troops seemed to be a mix of two different nationalities, each wearing slightly different uniforms from the other but seemed to be working in perfect unison. Following Deguerre's mech, you were lead through the camp until you came to a small garage and ordered inside. Several armored troops stood ready, carrying stubby bullpup style rifles. "Disembark, s'ilvous plait," one of them commanded as Deguerre's mechs strolled to a stop nearby and opened up, revealing the small cramped cockpit within. One of them, a young blonde man of Anglo descent joined the soldiers as they awaited you and Madison. "Guess we better start talking if we want to make nice," she said. After discreetly stowing a blade and pistol on her, she climbed out of the passenger seat and awaited the soldiers.

Not one to abandon your partner, you joined her as the troopers fell in and began searching you. While they found a few weapons, they couldn't touch anything in PUGS so you weren't completely unarmed. One of the troopers pulled Madison's pistol and blade from her. "Was worth a try," she said as the two of you fell into line behind Deguerre and followed him through the camp, escorts at your side. The two of you were brought to a Quonset-like hut near the center and brought before a dark-skinned woman of African descent standing before a large table, various holograms playing upon it depicting numerous units spread out across an area called the Espearance Plains. Several units were marked in red, affixed with a sort of crossed eagle. Deguerre marched over and spoke to the woman, saluting her before she turned to regard you with cool green eyes. "I am Sous-Commandant Martine Ashara, 47th Heavy Gear regiment, Southern Republican Army," she said, pulling her green, shoulder-armored tunic down. Your eyes were drawn to the cavalry style sword fastened to your belt. "My men inform me they witnessed you in a firefight with several Earther battle frames. And that you slew several of them. Care to explain yourselves and who you are?"



Hungry, Hungry Chryssalids...
  • #2,361
Staggering and two of it's tentacles severed, the Mastermind bellowed and began summoning several Ceph to it. A number of Guardians broke off their attack from the others to leap up onto the platform, where the Mastermind began taking them apart. Bandages for it's wounds. There was no time left. Unsheathing the Quietus, you blasted away, green fireballs immolating the Ceph drones before they could patch up the boss. As it was distracted, you Blinked behind it and drove the Quietus into it's exposed flesh, up to the hilt and firing as many times as you could. The gelatinous flesh inside steamed and melted away as the creature roared in agony, one of it's remaining tentacles swinging at you and missing as you ducked low. Popping up behind another side, you stabbed again and filled the Ceph with green fire, immolating more jelly until it exploded it's gooey guts at you. Scuttling away from you, it wailed and howled as fluids leaked out of it's wounds, a glowing red energy beginning to flash from within. You had only a few moments to scatter before it exploded like the Fourth of July in a wave of blue-white energy. When the dust settled, it's remains sat scattered all over, blue flames flickering upon them.

The Ceph below howled, several of them exploding as a sort of energy feedback lanced back and forth between them until they collapsed.

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

"Hurts, doesn't it?" I asked out loud, fully rhetorically this time, not expecting a proper answer. That said, feedback or not, I highly doubted the Ceph as a whole were beaten, maybe the bodies in the immediate vicinity yes, but beyond that, no. And the hive-mind itself was likely observing through the sensors, cameras and the like of the dead and dying, of the room and the like itself. "Hope you learned a valuable lesson. About listening to warnings. Now, let's see if this will work. If it does, think of it as an another lesson, what Jekkad would have likely done to your extragalactic asses."

Adjusting my grip on the Quietus I hold it out, green fire wreathed blade pointed outwards to the settling dust and bodies and blue fires still burning upon it all, another hand making an almost clawed gesture as in my mind I combine Mind Drain and Warmth and see if I can't pull at the ambient and not-so ambient thought-energies and more of the Ceph likely spilled throughout the chamber with each drone, grunt and the like killed, especially.

Idly, I' am reminded of ancient Chinese philosophy and religion of the Hun and Po souls. One that leaves after the body dies, and the one that stays.

Regardless, as Rule 22 of a certain list stated.-

No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.

-And the Ceph Hivemind, even if localized entirely on this presumably in the Crysis universe, Earth, certainly was an energy field bigger than my head. But here and now, I wasn't really looking to consume it. No, I was reminded of CELL and their System X that somehow presumably drained energy from the Alpha Ceph and facilitated their monopoly over unlimited energy, as well as control of the world. Ceph Thought-Energy, while not necessarily Argent Energy, was probably sufficiently quasi-mystical that it would be compatible with the Quietus and be able to supercharge it.

And what did I have here? The dead and dying, and likely a briefly stunned mental energy field of an alien hivemind that really shouldn't have taken my words for granted. And so I'd take my pound of flesh, or rather, figuratively speaking hopefully carve off a shard supercharge my sword. It wouldn't be a proper Crucible and all that, but optimistically speaking, perhaps it would be somewhat more damaging.

As their bodies smoked and lay on the ground, you returned to the device and grasped the two levers on it's side. Pulling at the same time, you heard the machine whine before it's energy began to fade, the crystal at the center dimming. "Hurry," Elden called out as you took the device with you and leapt back down to the ground. Barany and Voytek raced towards the fading distortion, you and the Major hot on their heels and closing the distance. It winked faster and faster, forcing you and Elden to dive through, just in the nick of time as it vanished entirely. You found yourselves back in the basement of the facility just outside the power room. Nearby, Ferrana and the others stood at the ready with their weapons, sounds of relief echoing from them. "It's done," the Major said, patting your shoulder before the two of you stood up. And then you looked at the timer. Ten minutes remained before the artillery strike. The major tried getting in touch with Dr. Kaur but there was no reply. And the signals from the basement weren't penetrating to the surface either.

"Shit. I'll go on ahead and try to reestablish contact?" I ask the Major, already casting Infested Mobility on myself, but afterward also casting Might upon everyone, so they'd have extra ability to defend themselves in case there still were some gribblies from the distortions. After that, assuming the go-ahead from Elden was given and I was right in hurrying, I'd be bullrushing towards the surface, suit sensors at full blast, intermittent Dark Vision scans reaching out and the like as I likely parkoured and ping-ponged off the walls and ceiling at my utmost speed.

Anything hostile that got in my way would get a face full of Might-empowered Quietus fire and a quarter of my energy dumped into a psychic shockwave. I did not want all this to end with us getting artillery striked out of existence.

  • #2,362
The ground around Val exploded in clumps as the suit's cannons roared, vaporizing and gouging the earth simultaneously as Val ran toward it. Just as it's massive armored arm went to swipe at him, the demon expertly somersaulted over the machine. Val's blades slashed out, probing the suit for weaknesses. Unfortunately, there weren't any, the torso being a nearly seamless body with a single entry hatch that Val wouldn't be able to unlock. Not before the pilot or someone else killed him. As Val's knives stabbed and prodded at various spots, he was nearly blown back as a small port unleashed a small missile that went sailing past him. The demon's quick and keen eyes then noted the small opening presented to him. Val smiled wickedly, taking one of his blades and stabbing into the small tube, the blade humming as he worked it around. Despite it's armored coverings, the inside of the tube was far softer for the blade to work on as Val twisted and pushed the blade as deep as he could. Something sparked because he felt the top start to vibrate, sending him to jump away. Moments later, several more of the tubes exploded, blowing a very large hole in the suit's armor.

Without hesitation, Val fired his rifle as quickly as he could into the opening, laser and ion fire streaming at the vulnerable systems within. The pilot flailed, trying to move from Val's stinging but was too slow, stumbling along like a drunken cow. It was about to turn around and face Val when suddenly, a massive hole blew out it's back, causing it to drop to the ground with a thud. A few yards away, Val saw Lizzie with her big gun. "Stop trying to date it and kill something already," she yelled as she went after another target. With the machine ruined, Val turned to see a trio of canine-humanoids approaching fast. Two were dark furred Labradors, while the third was a German Shepard, teeth glinting as they swung maces and clawed vambraces. Val's own blades clanged against theirs as they dueled, the beasts quite fast and agile by most comparisons. But they were still animals and Val knew how to treat them. The first Labrador swung at him with both blades, Val ducking and rolling underneath the dive. His own blade drove up, slicing through the creature's cuirass and spilling it's guts and entrails behind Val. Next the Shepard charged, wildly swinging his truncheon as the other Lab circled. But they came to fight, not to dance as the demon hopped about, his delicate feet carrying him along the ground like a dance as he evaded their attacks.

The Lab slashed from behind, only for Val to drop to his knees as the Shepard swung at the same time. In the confusion, the Lab took the truncheon to the face, it's spiked head smashing it with bloody results. As a result of it's momentum, the Lab's blades speared into the Shepard's chest, piercing it's heart and lungs fatally. All the while, Val was ducked out of both attacks and watched as they killed each other. Minimum effort, maximum reward in his book. As the two bodies fell to the ground, Val dusted himself off, carefully inspecting his nails and finding one of them had broken. Meanwhile, a quartet of the armored figures were moving to surround him. Each one had similar vambraces to the dogs only they also sported gun barrels on them.

Val laughs as he watches the mayhem and blood, feeling a sick thrill course through him as he watches the armored figures start to surround him. Smiling wickedly he strikes a pose, one of his arms on his forehead, "Oh no, four at once?" He says as he looks at one of the soldiers side-eyed, "Lucky for you four I'm used to getting gangbanged by a lot more then just four people." He says with a laugh as he slides his boot under the fallen truncheon and kicks it up into one of his hands before throwing it at the nearest men before following up behind it to get in close with his knives, while his other arms started pouring weapons fire into the other three men.


Veteran of a thousand psychic wars, chaotic shovel
  • #2,363
"Sleep well, Kahya," I tell the robot before removing the core. Everything that matters is in here. It's just a matter of getting the time to sift through the data, and working out what wants copying for the Archives and what needs fixing to make sure the operating system continues to... well, operate.

"No hope about it, Cass," I tell her, weighing the core in my hand before transferring it into my inventory. "It's happening, I guarantee it. I have some ideas and preferences for off-the-shelf base models, but in the end, if I have to make do with a cave and a box of scraps, I will."

Construction continues to proceed apace, I see. And it's past time I got something to eat. I've hardly forgotten that this little affair came right before lunch, so it's very much scoff-o'clock. And it's nice to get a bit of a rest afterwards, too. Kahya's situation turned out much better than it could have, so while I'm not pleased about the massacre the dead people represent, the intervening centuries make them as individuals rather detached from me personally. I'll just have to do their memory justice through Kahya.

If I'd blinked, I'd've missed it. "Contact," I call out, giving the bearing. "Very brief. I'm trying to pick it back up now, Captain, but it didn't look like a ghost." I match actions to words, before-

"Contact! Many Sentinels, emerging from the arcology! Estimate two hundred plus!" Even as the Captain is responding, I'm bringing the main gun online, and making sure the sensor picture is being fed to all the right fire control equipment. After that, it's just a matter of picking out the densest portions of the swarm for a little bit of chain lightning. And, of course, keeping an eye on our arse, just in case this isn't all the bad news going around.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the 'covert' part of our observation mission might no longer apply.

Hands flying over the controls, you freed the ship's lasers to auto-targeting, crimson beams lashing out to meet the incoming storm. Sentinels exploded left and right as they were speared through with multi-megawatts of energy but they kept coming. At the helm, Capt. Hrothgar angled the Novalis to the best firing angle as you brought the EMP cannons online and to bear. Not bothering with targeting, as soon as the cannons were aligned, you squeezed the triggers and fired at will, the crackling energy bolts leaping forward to slam into the tsunami. More machines flared and exploded, the pulses leaping from one to the other like crisscrossing streams of lightning. But despite that, there were many, many more coming and they were closing fast. "Hang on," Hrothgar said as he pushed the throttle to the max and dropped the ship into a dive. As you were pushed into your restraints, you continued coordinating fire, SHODAN's modifications thankfully sparing you the discomforts of dealing with g-forces and their effect on your guts. Behind the Novalis, the Sentinels chased after, a school of metal fish pursuing the lumbering whale.

Another arcology loomed in the distance and Hrothgar made a beeline for it, guns still blazing in the ship's wake. The Sentinels though were lashing back, their own lasers nipping t your proverbial heels despite your efforts. Diagnostics on the guns showed they were operating at ninety-four percent efficiency and holding as long as they kept the bugs at range. But as you turned to look out the forward windows, you could see the captain was intent on going inside the arcology. In the space of a minute, the Novalis' bow crashed through an opening, shattering glass and steel as it entered the building, the swarm quickly following behind. Quickly, you turned the forward lasers to help clear away the clutter as the ship kept plowing through. Thankfully, the ship entered a large atrium and the captain came hard about, giving you a clear shot at the pursuing Sentinels. With a savage grin, you pulled the triggers again and slammed pulse after pulse from the EMPs at them, their numbers funneled through the passage the Novalis made. Explosions ripped through their numbers as they were fried, lasers picking off the dross as it were.

Cheers echoed through the cockpit as they were being destroyed. Until your display blared and flashed as several Sentinels appeared through other openings in the atrium. They used their comrade's deaths to slip around through the arcology and now they fell upon you, like wolves at the bear's hindquarters. Several machines managed to evade the initial fusillade before the others were picked off but they were quick and went to work, moving to disable your point-defense. And unfortunately, they were too far below the guns to accurately target. "Hang on! I'm putting her down before they hobble us," Hrothgar said as he cut the hoverpads and let the Novalis fall like a brick. It sped towards the ground before he triggered them once more, extending landing gear and putting down with a shudder. "Hurry! We need to pick them off before they inflict too much damage," he said, leaping from his seat and heading for the nearby arms locker, grabbing a rifle and several magazines before making for the hatch. "All crew, repel boarders! Don't let those bastards take us," he yelled through the corridors.

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

"Hurts, doesn't it?" I asked out loud, fully rhetorically this time, not expecting a proper answer. That said, feedback or not, I highly doubted the Ceph as a whole were beaten, maybe the bodies in the immediate vicinity yes, but beyond that, no. And the hive-mind itself was likely observing through the sensors, cameras and the like of the dead and dying, of the room and the like itself. "Hope you learned a valuable lesson. About listening to warnings. Now, let's see if this will work. If it does, think of it as an another lesson, what Jekkad would have likely done to your extragalactic asses."

Adjusting my grip on the Quietus I hold it out, green fire wreathed blade pointed outwards to the settling dust and bodies and blue fires still burning upon it all, another hand making an almost clawed gesture as in my mind I combine Mind Drain and Warmth and see if I can't pull at the ambient and not-so ambient thought-energies and more of the Ceph likely spilled throughout the chamber with each drone, grunt and the like killed, especially.

Idly, I' am reminded of ancient Chinese philosophy and religion of the Hun and Po souls. One that leaves after the body dies, and the one that stays.

Regardless, as Rule 22 of a certain list stated.-

No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.

-And the Ceph Hivemind, even if localized entirely on this presumably in the Crysis universe, Earth, certainly was an energy field bigger than my head. But here and now, I wasn't really looking to consume it. No, I was reminded of CELL and their System X that somehow presumably drained energy from the Alpha Ceph and facilitated their monopoly over unlimited energy, as well as control of the world. Ceph Thought-Energy, while not necessarily Argent Energy, was probably sufficiently quasi-mystical that it would be compatible with the Quietus and be able to supercharge it.

And what did I have here? The dead and dying, and likely a briefly stunned mental energy field of an alien hivemind that really shouldn't have taken my words for granted. And so I'd take my pound of flesh, or rather, figuratively speaking hopefully carve off a shard supercharge my sword. It wouldn't be a proper Crucible and all that, but optimistically speaking, perhaps it would be somewhat more damaging.

Taking the Quietus, you began working it upon the fallen Mastermind's body, digging at a section of it's armor. Several sparks flew as the piece came free, a slight electric crackling from it as you quickly stowed it before dealing with the device. In PUGS, you could see the object labeled as "Ceph armor shard", taking up an entire slot.
"Shit. I'll go on ahead and try to reestablish contact?" I ask the Major, already casting Infested Mobility on myself, but afterward also casting Might upon everyone, so they'd have extra ability to defend themselves in case there still were some gribblies from the distortions. After that, assuming the go-ahead from Elden was given and I was right in hurrying, I'd be bullrushing towards the surface, suit sensors at full blast, intermittent Dark Vision scans reaching out and the like as I likely parkoured and ping-ponged off the walls and ceiling at my utmost speed.

Anything hostile that got in my way would get a face full of Might-empowered Quietus fire and a quarter of my energy dumped into a psychic shockwave. I did not want all this to end with us getting artillery striked out of existence.

"You'll be no good without my codes," Elden said as he followed you after casting the spells. Racing through the hallways like a blur, you headed for the upper levels, frantically calling out to Dr. Kaur to try and reach the ship. All the while the timer raced away in your visor's display. Up and up through the sublevels you went until you found the elevator and pounded on it's buttons. Maj. Elden had finally caught up by the time the lift dinged and the doors opened, revealing a hissing Kig-Yar about to pounce. Before it could, you leveled your pulse pistol and blasted several shots through it's head, bright purple blood splashing against the wall of the lift as you and Elden calmly stepped inside. Elden slapped the top floor and simply stood there, the dead creature cooling by your feet. "This has been a long, long day," he groused as the lift went up the many floors and slowed to a stop. At the top, the two of you returned to Dr. Kaur's office, the elderly scientist surprised and beginning to ask questions. Elden cut him of and ordered him to restore comms, quickly shooting out a message to the NES Ashcroft with just over two minutes to spare. A sigh of relief echoed through the room as the ship replied and acknowledged the end of the situation.

A QRF from the ship arrived ten minutes later, several Werewolves and mechs landing as troops swarmed out to secure the facility. The team gathered in what as left of the mess hall, now devoid of any anomalies as field medics examined everyone and offered treatment. Voytek though simply filed in, hopped up on the bench and draped himself over your lap. Other forces, Special Services personnel, arrived later to secure the research data as well as the device and all others. They would be transferred to other facilities, while the "device" itself would be sent to a secure location, never to be interacted with again. Then came the debriefings as each of you explained what you'd seen, heard, done, etc. Of interest were your explorations of the other worlds, including your visit to ME Earth. They also expressed concern and questioned you at length in regards to the Reapers and the Ceph. Specifically, if they could use what data they collected to travel to this Earth. The sci-tech boys were going to have a field day with all that data. Maybe something would come of it. In time.

Exhausted, the night had finally fallen by the time the debriefing had concluded. The team wearily hopped onto a waiting transport, Jerra on a gurney before it lifted into the air and shuttled you back to Mombasa. There, the injured were taken to the local hospital for further evaluation while everyone else hopped another flight back to Odense. It was nearing morning when the flight at long last landed, you barely getting any sleep with Barany and Voytek using your broad body as pillows. After touching down, you didn't even bother to return to the office, Barany and Voytek falling suit as the three of you piled into a cab and flew back to your apartment. Once through the door, you and Barany left a trail of armor and clothes leading towards your bedroom. She climbed in, stark naked as you bent down and helped Voytek out of his armor. Once free, he stretched his legs out happily before hopping into the bed, finding a spot at your feet as you joined the two as well, pulling the duvet over you as you curled your Nazzadi partner in your arms and began drifting to sleep.

Val laughs as he watches the mayhem and blood, feeling a sick thrill course through him as he watches the armored figures start to surround him. Smiling wickedly he strikes a pose, one of his arms on his forehead, "Oh no, four at once?" He says as he looks at one of the soldiers side-eyed, "Lucky for you four I'm used to getting gangbanged by a lot more then just four people." He says with a laugh as he slides his boot under the fallen truncheon and kicks it up into one of his hands before throwing it at the nearest men before following up behind it to get in close with his knives, while his other arms started pouring weapons fire into the other three men.
The truncheon went flying, Val's throw giving it a spin as it smashed into the face of one of the approaching soldiers, cracking it open like an egg. As the other three charged, he was already moving towards the injured fellow. The momentary distraction was enough for him to plunge his knives into the seams of the armor, spearing through mega-damage armor into the soft flesh beneath. Val didn't spare him much more as he drew back his blades and flung his corpse at one of the others as their blades flashed, carving their fallen comrade in half. Energy bolts spat from the wrist-guns as they closed in. Ducking and dodging, Val avoided their fire as the ground exploded around him, clumps of dirt jumping up and detonating, showering him in grass and dirt. One of the troopers went low while the other went high, swinging both their arm-blades at the demon. What they didn't expect was for him to simply somersault over them, landing on his dainty toes and kicking backwards, sending one spiraling away.

One of them recovered long enough to loose several more energy bursts, sending Val into a dive. And as he came up from it, the third tackled him, sending them into a rolling tumble. The two wrestled as the bulkier fighter tried to pin and gut him. But Val's slender form allowed him to slip aside from his strikes and with four arms, he pinned the offending arms. He gave the troopers a flouncy smile before jabbing both of his daggers into the man's head and pulling upwards, a fountain of blood and gore raining down on him. Rolling him off and regaining his feet, the other two soldiers simply leveled both their arms and began sighting the demon with their guns. "Die, demon scum," one of them said as the barrels began to flash. Only for Val's other arms to flash and riddled them with fire from his handguns like a gunslinger of old. Riddled with fire, the two soldiers fell to the ground in smoking, withered heaps.

Nearby, the battle was turning as the attackers were pinned down. Several of the armored vehicles were on fire, riddled with gunfire and smoke billowing from their interiors. Numerous dead soldiers littered the ground and the few remaining power armored troopers were fighting to hold the line. Especially in the face of Aeryn and Ellis, cleaving through their ranks with almost contemptuous ease. A few more fell to their energy blades before the two remaining vehicles began turning around, speeding away. What few surviving soldiers there were tried to follow desperately, only to be gunned down before they could get too far. Only a handful bothered laying down their arms, their fight done. The battle was over and the town was safe, minus some holes in it's walls. Sauntering over, Lizie found Val as he walked through the carnage, bathed in blood. "Nice job," she said as she offered the demon her flask.

  • #2,364
The Minbari woman simply raised her brow in confusion but didn't let it stop her for long. "Um, yes, well, I'm not sure what an Illuminati is but what my associates and I are fighting against is far more than some simple clandestine organization. Which when I will elaborate more about when the time is right. For now though, we have other issues we need to work on. As I said, the Thieves Guild have a bounty on your head and they're very tenacious. They haven't managed as long as they have without managing to evade the watchful eyes of station security. As a result, they've also been providing indirect support to the agents of the enemy we fight against. So by curious circumstances of fate, our two aims align." Amazon narrowed her eyes at Jennall with concern. "You wish to use as bait," she asked. "Draw them out so they can be eliminated or questioned?"

Jennall nodded. "I wouldn't go as far as saying bait," she said. "But yes, drawing them out would make them vulnerable. While other criminals of the local underworld like N'grath tend to keep a low-profile, the local Guild has proven to be more brazen. Not only have they engaged in theft, they've also marketed in the sale of forbidden narcotics, tech, weapons and even facilitated slave trafficking. They are a threat to the people of this station and need to be dealt with. So, by hunting you, they will become exposed, allowing us to neutralize them and gain whatever information we can about their employers. Besides, with them gone, there will be fewer people ending up like that man and his son." The boy's death was still little over a few hours old in your memory. His father, holding his bled-out body like a toy doll still etched with burning anger in your heart. And from the look in Amazon's eyes, it was the same for her.

"If we go through with this, you might need to make some changes to your equipment," Jennall noted. "I was impressed with your weapons but slugthowers are explicitly forbidden aboard station. You'll need a PPG if you intend to continue. I can help you acquire some but with your skills, you'll probably be more successful taking them off the Thieves. Plus you'll need a commlink so we can stay in contact. As well as proper documentation, especially if you want to get your ship back. For now, I can get the ship purchased under a discreet account of my group. It'll be a few days before it's released to me but by then, we should have your IDs and if we're lucky, the Thieves eliminated as well. Those credit cards you took from the dead thieves also should net you some income for the moment, though I doubt there's much on them. Still, it'll be something. Otherwise, you may reside here for the time being. Even the Guild knows better than to try something in Blue sector."

Jennall was confused about the Illuminati part. Huh. Guess Earth didn't tell them their own conspiracy theories. Still, though, we're going to be used as bait huh....?

"So you want make them sloppy...." I ask Jennall with a confused eyebrow...before shrugging. "Okay...not like I wasn't planning to do much anything today..." I said, as I would then nod at Jennall's offer.

"I think staying is the proper option. I need my ship back, plus, hey, new equipment. It doesn't sound so bad."

  • #2,365
"Believe it or not, you're not the only one," Argento said as she took an eggrol and bit the end off of it. "The Coalition's model is rather unsustainable and it will only grow more and more untenable as their attempts of conquest grow. If anything, Tolkeen has shown a great many of it's soldiers life beyond the borders of their fortress-cities and homesteads. And that their enemies are just as human as they are." She finished her wine and placed it on the edge of the table, awaiting a refill. "On the subject of building materials, well, there are veritable plethora of ruins scattered across the land," she explained. "The so-called Golden Age before the Cataclysm left many wonders of their world behind to be salvaged and repurposed. Which is how many city-states and nations managed to survive the Dark Age. Even Titan attributes it's own success to reverse-engineering such marvels. Though we've also expanded upon them in far more fantastic ways than our competitors expected. At any rate, many nation-states have done their best to cultivate knowledge where ever they can find it. Knowing how to keep energy weapons, power armor and other such marvels were crucial when raiders or hostile d-bees rampaged across the land. There was a point where the Coalition was even going that way and becoming a beacon of knowledge. Sadly, it died with Joseph Prosek the First, leaving his son Karl, the current emperor to craft his brutal regime."

A waiter came by and refreshed Argento's glass. "Thankfully, Titan doesn't have to put up with their shenanigans," she said with a smile. "NG maybe cornering the market in a good many of the Coalition's territories but they're facing stiff competition beyond it. And Titan intends to at the very least be one of it's superiors by the end of the next decade. Especially with some of the rumors we've been hearing. Tolkeen may be conquered but a great deal of it's leaders and army has managed to escape the sacking. And they took a large amount of the city's treasury with them. A not so insignificant foundation with which to finance their quest for either reconstruction or revenge. Then there's the matter of this.....warning that came a few years back. Some kind of prophecy of a colossal war to be waged here on Earth. Regardless, all these are great openings for my company to further it's drive to the top of the market. Efforts you could help advance."

„You flatter me Ms. Argento, I am just an archaeology student dimensionally displaced and turned monster huntress after all.", I said demurely and lowered my eyes for a moment, trying to take in the information the blonde was supplying so readily. If anything, I was getting Shadowrun vibes from this, which wasn't all that good if this was indeed a reality based on another game or fiction and thus would most likely run with the same kind of metaplot that made such a prophecy not only possible, but actually reliable – well if it wasn't subverted in one way or another, but I really couldn't know. Still, while it would have been nice of there were any openings for an archaeologist, this sounded more like treasure hunting and you rather wanted a technician for such things I presumed. Still, by the amount of honey being smeared around my mouth the woman either really thought I was going to be of use to her company – or words were just cheap for her.

"Still, I presume from the perspective of a weapons company such dangerous times might actually be positive – especially if your production and research is independent of the major belligerents, unlike NG, and things don't drag on for too much.", unsaid was of course that selling weapons in a situation like this, meant that sooner or later someone would decide that they needed to use what they spent their money on. If I had been any less scrupulous – or just better armed, this might even be an alternate career path for me – but interdimensional weapon trader was something that seemed to already be covered in this reality.

With a smile to match her own, I waves the praise away with one hand "I would hardly call it ingenuity if Mr. Algurak did all the work. I merely asked for some features I had grown used to, to be inserted into the armour. I was quite lucky that the electrics of my old helmet fit into the new one.", I hummed amused, wondering if Ms. Argento took a look when she took a look at the armour and saw anything she wanted to copy or was just flattering me more.

"Ohh, I can't say that I drove for more than a few hundred kilometres so far – I do favour train or plane, but of course that hardly seems to be an option here.", I noted, imagining what kind of beast a train would have to brave between the city states that seemed to make up this America. With a small shrug and an appreciate glance at the cooks work, I hummed: "Thank you, it's a bit of a mix between pleasure and work and I think I have hunted quite a few things around this city and a small change of place sounds interesting."

Leaning slightly forward to listen to her, I nodded with a smirk "The MK1 has been quite lovely so far and I do like the ability to fly, so colour me more than just intrigued. Is it a finished, finished product or will you want me to call in from time to time for review and examination of the technical data?", I asked curiously and then winked "…or slap a giant Titan Logo on it as flying billboard?"

  • #2,366
"Analysis: yes. But you wouldn't like it," HUD replied. "Subject would suffer significant damage and require extensive repairs."

"Yeah, well, better me than someone else if it comes down to it. Still, best to avoid that happening." I was a little disappointed that I didn't have zero fall damage capability. If I ever got the chance, nicking some Section 8 power armor tech would be swell. Or whatever the Endless put into Cravers.
"You're not wrong," Morgan said. "Took me several weeks to coble together one with another Vaulter. Our CAMPs can build anything in their databases but they still require you to put the things together. That said, I'm surprised you haven't tried salvaging other generators. Watoga certainly has some and there are a few in the towns all over the place. And they're in fairly good working order." Jenny shrugged as she stirred the pot. "Where do you think we got the one here in town," she replied. "Pulled it from one of the boxcars up at the 98 NAR. Two guys died fighting off the bots there and we barely made it out ourselves. Hell, we did have a cart of our own, pulled by several brahmin. But it got shot to hell and we couldn't fix it. Hence why everybody got so hot and bothered over your APC turning up. With it, we can really begin hauling in goods from all over the place. Plus make even riskier runs like down to the Bog or the Ash Heap. Be nice to not have to breathe ash and soot all day."

I nodded along at their points as they discussed why a generator was necessary for Foundation. And why they didn't have their own heavy transportation after having come all this way. I imagined there were more than just the one cart lost to threat around but didn't care enough to confirm.

A working APC with it's own internal air supply or at least enough filtration to keep ash from their mouths would be superior anyway, especially in the local area. More of them would also be better for everyone.

"Maybe we could," Jenny noted as she wiggled in your lap, grinding herself against you with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow, questioning more the statement than the squirmyness of the girl in my lap that I rather enjoyed.
"I mean, I see those vertibots flying all over the place every now and then. Granted some of them have escorts but then some don't. There's gotta be somewhere they land and refuel."

If I had seen those around I didn't recall offhand so that got a blank stare from me, I was new to the area though.
Morgan's eyes went wide just as she had swallowed a spoonful of her stew and stared at the two of you. "You are absolutely right," she said once she finished her chewing. "I've seen a few of them land down at Wade Airport from time to time. They usually don't stay for long because of the odd supermutant pack that roams about. But, there are several maintenance Mr. Handies that service them when they land. They swap out fusion cores, perform basic serciving and so on."

"So hack the Handies to hack us a vertibot for delivery?" I questioned, wondering if that was where this was going before she explained about the voucher.
She then leaped from her seat and went back inside the camper, rummaging through her pack. After a few moments, she pulled out a small holotape with US government markings. "This is a US Gov supply requisition ," she explained, handing you the holotape. "Plug it into any broadcasting station around the area and it'll call down a cargobot within the vicinity. It'll hover over the site for a few moments before it drops it's cargo and flies off. And a few moments could be all we need."

Jenny looked at Morgan confused. "To do what? Wrangle it like one of those old bulls in the movies," she asked. Morgan smiled. "In a way. I've studied a few downed ones and managed to get a look under the hood. There's an access panel on it's side and if we could get at it and insert a holotape with reprogramming, then it'd be ours for the taking. Forget my little old APC, you guys could have those things flying in all day long, bringing you whatever." Jenny's eyes were next to widen. "That's....a really good plan," she said before looking at you. "How about it, stud? Feel like trying to ride a flying bucking bronco," she asked with a teasing smile.

"Sounds doable enough." I said in consideration of the task. "How big are these things? Is this like leaping onto a helicopter or is it smaller than that? A grappling gun of some kind would be nice for this either way." Like that guy in Just Cause 3.. Rico whatever.


Hungry, Hungry Chryssalids...
  • #2,367
A QRF from the ship arrived ten minutes later, several Werewolves and mechs landing as troops swarmed out to secure the facility. The team gathered in what as left of the mess hall, now devoid of any anomalies as field medics examined everyone and offered treatment. Voytek though simply filed in, hopped up on the bench and draped himself over your lap. Other forces, Special Services personnel, arrived later to secure the research data as well as the device and all others. They would be transferred to other facilities, while the "device" itself would be sent to a secure location, never to be interacted with again. Then came the debriefings as each of you explained what you'd seen, heard, done, etc. Of interest were your explorations of the other worlds, including your visit to ME Earth. They also expressed concern and questioned you at length in regards to the Reapers and the Ceph. Specifically, if they could use what data they collected to travel to this Earth. The sci-tech boys were going to have a field day with all that data. Maybe something would come of it. In time.

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

I did my best to dredge up everything as helpfully as possible. Of the nature of the Reapers as this cyclical extinction event facilitators in their particular universe. To the Ceph's extragalactic nature and the like, along with that

giving the sci-techs the armor shard .
While handing over the shard I made sure to warn people on some things.​
"Be careful with it. Ceph nanoweave and derived technologies are some heady shit. In its origin universe after the Tunguska Event, it allowed two people to establish what would become effectively a megacorp, nevermind the symbiotic nanosuits they'd manufacture. Or that roughly since 1950's or so, one of those people preserved himself through partial-cryostasis coupled with some sort of mind-machine interfacing or something. While another somehow prolonged his life and the like, or so I'm assuming. After all, people older than a century usually aren't as spry as Karl Ernst Rasch."​
Idly, I use Illusion Projection to give voice to the final moments of Hargreave's life.​
" Will there been an afterlife, I wonder? Choirs of angels? Or a fiery pit? One unlearns these falsehoods over time, but the child who learnt to fear hell is never really gone. To tell the truth, I think I had enough of afterlives as it is - this one has been pretty purgatorial. Almost fifty years floating in supercooled jelly like some medical specimen, thoughts creeping like rats through the cramped silicon corridors of machines, trapped behind video screens and camera systems. Never sleeping, never resting, never ceasing to think about the world you no longer belong to. No, if this is a taste of the afterlife, I think simple oblivion will do nicely."

Beyond that, I made sure that they knew how Xenomorph infestations looked, Jekkadian Gore Nests and the like. I'd rather not risk not saying things, and later it turns out we have an another invasion or something.
Exhausted, the night had finally fallen by the time the debriefing had concluded. The team wearily hopped onto a waiting transport, Jerra on a gurney before it lifted into the air and shuttled you back to Mombasa. There, the injured were taken to the local hospital for further evaluation while everyone else hopped another flight back to Odense. It was nearing morning when the flight at long last landed, you barely getting any sleep with Barany and Voytek using your broad body as pillows. After touching down, you didn't even bother to return to the office, Barany and Voytek falling suit as the three of you piled into a cab and flew back to your apartment. Once through the door, you and Barany left a trail of armor and clothes leading towards your bedroom. She climbed in, stark naked as you bent down and helped Voytek out of his armor. Once free, he stretched his legs out happily before hopping into the bed, finding a spot at your feet as you joined the two as well, pulling the duvet over you as you curled your Nazzadi partner in your arms and began drifting to sleep.

Drifting off, I felt strange... like a shoe was about to drop, but after the day we had, I'd rather deal with that later. Right now, time to rest and sleep like the dead.


Veteran of a thousand psychic wars, chaotic shovel
  • #2,368
Jennall was confused about the Illuminati part. Huh. Guess Earth didn't tell them their own conspiracy theories. Still, though, we're going to be used as bait huh....?

"So you want make them sloppy...." I ask Jennall with a confused eyebrow...before shrugging. "Okay...not like I wasn't planning to do much anything today..." I said, as I would then nod at Jennall's offer.

"I think staying is the proper option. I need my ship back, plus, hey, new equipment. It doesn't sound so bad."

"I didn't say you had to start at once," Jennall said. "Given your relative newness to the station, you should take some time to get your bearings. Besides, you should keep out of sight for a few hours, allow Security to do it's strutting about for awhile. Dead thieves they aren't necessarily overly concerned about, especially Guild members. Still, appearances and all. Besides, Chief Garibaldi can be shall we say.....prickly about people taking the law into their own hands. Plus, you should try and familiarize yourself more with the station and how things are." She rose from her seat and gestured about the quarters. "Feel free to make use of the facilities here," Jennall offered. "I'm afraid I only have a sonic shower so you'll have to make do with that for the time being. There's several meal-packs in the cupboard. Very general as they're human brands but if you're hungry, they should suffice." She began to walk towards the wall terminal when she spun and looked at you. "Oh, I will be needing those credit cards you took from the thieves," she said. "Considering that many of those cards came from unfortunate souls like that man and son, you may not want to keep them." Amazon snarled and looked to you. "I'll have no one's blood money," she said, Jennall nodding. "I can see to it that these are returned to those who need them and acquire both of you discreet cards with some money on them. That or some Centauri ducats. All things considered, those are just as universal," the Minbari said.

After handing over the cards, you and Amazon took the opportunity to get cleaned up while Jennall made some calls. To say the shower was an.....interesting experience was an understatement. Being bombarded by numerous sonic waves to break apart dirt, grime and so on left your body tingling slightly but at least it felt clean. The young man's blood had caked in some parts of your cyber hands and it came off easier than if you'd been under running water. Still, it got you both cleaned up, even if neither of you were feeling particularly frisky at the moment. Redonning your clothes, you found Jennall working on something on the small table in the corner, some kind of steel rod or staff. She had a sort of spring mechanism exposed and was trying to repair something. Amazon opened the cupboard and pulled a pair of silver pouches, handing you one. Looking on the label, you could see it was spicy shrimp curry and rice as you pulled it open, the pouch suddenly warming very quickly to almost scalding hot. While it did nothing to your cyber-hands, Amazon yelped slightly as she nearly dropped hers.

"Careful," Jennall warned from the table, her attention still on her device. "They don't call them Insta-Heats for nothing. While human food I find perplexing at times, I must admit a fondness for the chicken risotto packs. They have an interesting flavor and texture." Amazon looked on her pouch and saw that it was tofu ramen. From the looks on her face, she ate it but wasn't falling in love with it. Jennall slightly chuckled as she closed up the device and picked it up. In an instant, it shrank in both directions until it was just a small tube, easily the size of her fist. She stashed it in a specific holster on her belt and began placing her tools away. "So, where did you come from," she asked as you and Amazon ate. "I have heard of human cyborgs but they're not very common. And I can see you appear to be quite extensively augmented. Were you a former serviceman? Maybe a gropo as the EarthForce Marines like to be called."

„You flatter me Ms. Argento, I am just an archaeology student dimensionally displaced and turned monster huntress after all.", I said demurely and lowered my eyes for a moment, trying to take in the information the blonde was supplying so readily. If anything, I was getting Shadowrun vibes from this, which wasn't all that good if this was indeed a reality based on another game or fiction and thus would most likely run with the same kind of metaplot that made such a prophecy not only possible, but actually reliable – well if it wasn't subverted in one way or another, but I really couldn't know. Still, while it would have been nice of there were any openings for an archaeologist, this sounded more like treasure hunting and you rather wanted a technician for such things I presumed. Still, by the amount of honey being smeared around my mouth the woman either really thought I was going to be of use to her company – or words were just cheap for her.
"Oh? A human d-bee," Argento said with piqued curiosity. "Well, I can appreciate an interest in exploration and the search for knowledge. In a way, Titan has some similarities, unearthing the secrets of the past to further the future. Perhaps, should our efforts pay off, you might be interested in coming to work for the company. We do employ a number of archaeologists as well both here and even abroad. If adventuring ever becomes less appealing, you could certainly find some work in the field."
"Still, I presume from the perspective of a weapons company such dangerous times might actually be positive – especially if your production and research is independent of the major belligerents, unlike NG, and things don't drag on for too much.", unsaid was of course that selling weapons in a situation like this, meant that sooner or later someone would decide that they needed to use what they spent their money on. If I had been any less scrupulous – or just better armed, this might even be an alternate career path for me – but interdimensional weapon trader was something that seemed to already be covered in this reality.
Argento nodded as she swirled her glass some more. "You're not wrong," she said evenly. "Titan is in the business of building weapons but we like to think we're also giving the people of the land, human, alien, supernatural and so on the means to protect themselves. You may not have been here long on this world but you need to understand. For over three hundred years, the world was mostly in darkness. What few survivors there were clung to what few places of power to be had. A few soldiers clad in the simplest of armor and weapons could devastate entire regions or claim them as their own. Then there were the various monsters and aliens brought from the rifts. It was a very terrible time and it's only been just over a century since humanity has begun to claw it's way back to life, much less supremacy. Titan intends to be at the forefront of that, ensuring it's future. After all, a healthy client base is a profitable client base."
With a smile to match her own, I waves the praise away with one hand "I would hardly call it ingenuity if Mr. Algurak did all the work. I merely asked for some features I had grown used to, to be inserted into the armour. I was quite lucky that the electrics of my old helmet fit into the new one.", I hummed amused, wondering if Ms. Argento took a look when she took a look at the armour and saw anything she wanted to copy or was just flattering me more.
"Well, your ideas were quite inspired for a novice if I may say," Argento said. "Might be something we'll incorporate into future designs."
"Ohh, I can't say that I drove for more than a few hundred kilometres so far – I do favour train or plane, but of course that hardly seems to be an option here.", I noted, imagining what kind of beast a train would have to brave between the city states that seemed to make up this America. With a small shrug and an appreciate glance at the cooks work, I hummed: "Thank you, it's a bit of a mix between pleasure and work and I think I have hunted quite a few things around this city and a small change of place sounds interesting."
"You'd love Northern Gun's hovertrains then," Argento noted as she buttered the last slice of bread and took a quick bite out of it. "I do have to give them credit as they're revolutionizing the supply situation. They can deliver all across the continent and they don't need any tracks at all. Though it helps to have paths cleared for them. Still, they're doing a fantastic job of providing goods all over the place. Something we should've considered. Of course, there are also the techno-wizard trains reportedly out in the west. Though if I remember correctly, they're limited to operating on the ley-lines exclusively. However, those can run vast distances and teleport between nexuses. Quite ingenious though."
Leaning slightly forward to listen to her, I nodded with a smirk "The MK1 has been quite lovely so far and I do like the ability to fly, so colour me more than just intrigued. Is it a finished, finished product or will you want me to call in from time to time for review and examination of the technical data?", I asked curiously and then winked "…or slap a giant Titan Logo on it as flying billboard?"
Smiling, Argento sat a little straighter. "Well, it'd already have our logo on it," she teased. "But yes, it's a full production model. Not a prototype or anything but we would appreciate any feedback." Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a small leaflet and handed it over to you, the Titan logo on the front. Opening it up revealed specs on the Mk.2 Flying Titan and all it's features. Twice the flying time and range. Enhanced power systems for greater strength. Lighter but tougher materials to protect the pilot. Even new weapons including wrist mounted plasma ejectors for potent short-range work and configurable hardpoints, able to mount larger weapons. "As you can see, we've taken the suit and ratcheted it up several degrees," Argento informed you excitedly. "We've taken several suggestions from other customers and with recent innovations, we've been able to make it faster, more durable and all around capable than many suits on the market. Plus, it features our own Integrated Weapons Interface, allowing you to directly hook a wide variety of energy weapons into the suit's power plant. And it's adaptable to a great many products including Northern Gun's and Triax's. That'd be quite the savings when it comes to your munitions budget."
"Yeah, well, better me than someone else if it comes down to it. Still, best to avoid that happening." I was a little disappointed that I didn't have zero fall damage capability. If I ever got the chance, nicking some Section 8 power armor tech would be swell. Or whatever the Endless put into Cravers.

I nodded along at their points as they discussed why a generator was necessary for Foundation. And why they didn't have their own heavy transportation after having come all this way. I imagined there were more than just the one cart lost to threat around but didn't care enough to confirm.

A working APC with it's own internal air supply or at least enough filtration to keep ash from their mouths would be superior anyway, especially in the local area. More of them would also be better for everyone.

I raised an eyebrow, questioning more the statement than the squirmyness of the girl in my lap that I rather enjoyed.

If I had seen those around I didn't recall offhand so that got a blank stare from me, I was new to the area though.

"So hack the Handies to hack us a vertibot for delivery?" I questioned, wondering if that was where this was going before she explained about the voucher.

"Also a possibility," Morgan said. "There's still some functioning equipment in the control tower. It'd take me some time to reprogram them but it's not outside the realm of possibility. Then it'd just be a matter of having them signal a bot to return for service. Wait for it to land and presto. We got ourselves a flying mule."
"Sounds doable enough." I said in consideration of the task. "How big are these things? Is this like leaping onto a helicopter or is it smaller than that? A grappling gun of some kind would be nice for this either way." Like that guy in Just Cause 3.. Rico whatever.
"About the size of my APC," Morgan informed you. "Usually they deliver cargo pallets but I've seen them drop sentry bots as well. So if we can disassemble the generator into several pieces, it ought to be able to lift them and carry them to whatever coordinates we specify. No need to worry about elevators or god forbid a winch." Jenny shrugged in your lap, eating her stew. "You'd think a place like that would have easier ways of getting stuff like that up and down," she noted, Morgan nodding in agreement. "Could be that there is. Just that no one's found it yet," she replied. "Hornwright was a paranoid old man from everything I've found on him. He wasn't afraid to throw money at problems until they went away. Especially the competition, if you look at what happened to the Garrahans. Regardless, those are my ideas for this plan. I'm always welcome to hearing others." Jenny simply stared at you, her face blank. "I've got nothing," she said. "You think maybe we could repair that other unit we found? That one down in the Rivers estate. You know, the Mistresses place."

Morgan perked up. "Rivers estate," she asked, Jenny perking up. "Oh yeah. Down there near Charleston. There's a whole underground bunker there, complete with a headquarters and everything. Even got some kind of manufacturing machinery there. Only builds a few things but still," she said. Morgan scratched her chin thoughtfully, the gears turning in her head as she sat. "Interesting," she said. "Might be worth looking into as well. Would explain why a few other Vaulters suddenly began running around in weird dresses. Though some men should not wear them. Spandex is a privilege, not a right." The three of you laughed at the remark before continuing to eat, finishing off the whole pot. "Well, once we get this done, we should have a good amount of materials to get some work done on your armor," Jenny said. "Then we can start planning on what to do about WestTek. Muties aren't going to stop making more as long as they've got that goop to dip folks in." Morgan nodded with a sigh. "She's right. Scorched may be harder to pin down but they're not," she said. "They only have one source and that's the FEV vats. We take it out and no more mutants. Assuming no one else tries to remake the stuff. Doubt there's anyone left alive who could."

  • #2,369
"I didn't say you had to start at once," Jennall said. "Given your relative newness to the station, you should take some time to get your bearings. Besides, you should keep out of sight for a few hours, allow Security to do it's strutting about for awhile. Dead thieves they aren't necessarily overly concerned about, especially Guild members. Still, appearances and all. Besides, Chief Garibaldi can be shall we say.....prickly about people taking the law into their own hands. Plus, you should try and familiarize yourself more with the station and how things are." She rose from her seat and gestured about the quarters. "Feel free to make use of the facilities here," Jennall offered. "I'm afraid I only have a sonic shower so you'll have to make do with that for the time being. There's several meal-packs in the cupboard. Very general as they're human brands but if you're hungry, they should suffice." She began to walk towards the wall terminal when she spun and looked at you. "Oh, I will be needing those credit cards you took from the thieves," she said. "Considering that many of those cards came from unfortunate souls like that man and son, you may not want to keep them." Amazon snarled and looked to you. "I'll have no one's blood money," she said, Jennall nodding. "I can see to it that these are returned to those who need them and acquire both of you discreet cards with some money on them. That or some Centauri ducats. All things considered, those are just as universal," the Minbari said.

After handing over the cards, you and Amazon took the opportunity to get cleaned up while Jennall made some calls. To say the shower was an.....interesting experience was an understatement. Being bombarded by numerous sonic waves to break apart dirt, grime and so on left your body tingling slightly but at least it felt clean. The young man's blood had caked in some parts of your cyber hands and it came off easier than if you'd been under running water. Still, it got you both cleaned up, even if neither of you were feeling particularly frisky at the moment. Redonning your clothes, you found Jennall working on something on the small table in the corner, some kind of steel rod or staff. She had a sort of spring mechanism exposed and was trying to repair something. Amazon opened the cupboard and pulled a pair of silver pouches, handing you one. Looking on the label, you could see it was spicy shrimp curry and rice as you pulled it open, the pouch suddenly warming very quickly to almost scalding hot. While it did nothing to your cyber-hands, Amazon yelped slightly as she nearly dropped hers.

"Careful," Jennall warned from the table, her attention still on her device. "They don't call them Insta-Heats for nothing. While human food I find perplexing at times, I must admit a fondness for the chicken risotto packs. They have an interesting flavor and texture." Amazon looked on her pouch and saw that it was tofu ramen. From the looks on her face, she ate it but wasn't falling in love with it. Jennall slightly chuckled as she closed up the device and picked it up. In an instant, it shrank in both directions until it was just a small tube, easily the size of her fist. She stashed it in a specific holster on her belt and began placing her tools away. "So, where did you come from," she asked as you and Amazon ate. "I have heard of human cyborgs but they're not very common. And I can see you appear to be quite extensively augmented. Were you a former serviceman? Maybe a gropo as the EarthForce Marines like to be called."

I mean, I wasn't gonna start right away...but I still want my ship back.

As Jennall left us to our own devices, she did note that she wanted our credits that we got from the old man and his dead kid to be handed. I agreed to hand it over. Though, while I agreed with Amazon about the blood money thing, I didn't like it for...less than moral reasons.

That shit can trace back, And probably worse. So it was only pragmatic for us to ditch the money. After that, we got to trying out these 'sonic showers'.

It feels...really freaking weird. It got me tingling, and certainly, it was somewhat of an odd feeling...but damn, it got the job done...

...well, while I wasn't feeling particularly frisky, I did have to wear back my pants on a certain way, so as not to make it obvious.

I should try it with Amazon together later, see what else it 'cleans'. Getting back, I decided to take one of the food packs.

I didn't like Shrimp Curry and Rice, but, hey, food...even if it was spicy. As soon as I opened it though, I could feel the heat increasing in my sensors...but I didn't feel pain. Amazon wasn't so lucky, and she spilled hers. As Jennall explained, I was amazed.

"Whoa, they make instant food insta-cooked? Damn, I think I'mma need those in my ship posthaste." I then said with plenty of surprise as Amazon managed to get hers was tofu ramen. Sorry, honey.

As Jennall wanted to know more of us, I simply shrugged.

"Well, we're mercenaries. A couple of bounty hunters, so to speak. But we hunt bad guys who do shady things past the law's radar for profit, so we're not that bad. And I mean couple in both meanings, too." I said, gesturing to Amazon.

"She's my wife, you see."

  • #2,370
"Oh? A human d-bee," Argento said with piqued curiosity. "Well, I can appreciate an interest in exploration and the search for knowledge. In a way, Titan has some similarities, unearthing the secrets of the past to further the future. Perhaps, should our efforts pay off, you might be interested in coming to work for the company. We do employ a number of archaeologists as well both here and even abroad. If adventuring ever becomes less appealing, you could certainly find some work in the field."

„Yeah, only that my studies were more in the classical sense of making sense of the past and understanding how it worked. Less archaeological weapon race and all that.", I said lightly and gave a shrug before smiling "Still, I appreciate the offer, just a tad worried that I might get zapped across dimensions before that again. I would hate that of course, but so far I wasn't really in control of where and when I end up.", I said softly and shook my head, as if trying to drive away that thought that was only serving to stab my side as I thought about Sandras Joy at my agreement to come to Queenstown with her. At her more serious words in regards to the worlds history, I could only nod:

"I can only imagine in the worst and most trope-laden of senses I fear: having only been in this city and its surrounding woods is quite a good way of stopping any thoughts about the wider world and what happened to it….and in truth it is in a way less worse than the last world or reality I had ended up in. At least you have an intact biosphere.", I joked weakly and nodded "Still, I can see where the company is coming from…" – truthfully or not- "…and at least around here it has helped me help other people, so who am I to close my eyes from the immediate use your work had for myself and those around us?"

At the next words I smiled softly, an idea flicking through my head "Would it be possible to get an insight into the Titan design, if I enter the contract of course, I would just be interested in not merely using, but understanding the armour I am wearing and what work went into it." – and test if my penchant for guns and maintenance even extended to something more abstract like physical science and engineering…

…making me pause as I glanced down at my hands and the hair falling into my vision, pondering over my first jump, slide or displacement. I hadn't felt as if I understood the healing and draining weapon strapped to me, I merely used it – but if I put some time to it, placed some materials before me and…what? Concentrated on it? Watching Argento take another bite, I laughed softly "Hovertrains? Like in BattleTech?", came out the unbidden question, before shaking my head amused "Sounds like it's only a matter of time, till someone turns one into an armoured train and blasts their way through the post-apocalyptic wilderness. Far too many books like that…", I said with soft wonder.

Mirroring the more attentive position of the blonde before me, I merely smirked back at her teasing and reached over to the small leaflet, looking through it with wonder and eagerness, something I had never felt before when looking at the advertisement of a machine: "What about the missile and laser systems? I found them useful to keep the targets on their toes – were they struck or the hardpoints and greater flexibility? I liked the inbuilt targeting system – worked like a charm, while you were busy trying not to get torn to shreds.", I joked only partly and looked over the leaflet, taking in one page after another: "How much can it lift when flying? Being able to scoop up another person and carry them around was quite useful – even if princess carries left a few bruised egos.", I chirped softly and winked "Quite fetching: does it come with a laser sword?", I couldn't help but joke and then nodded happily "Quite the design. Feels nearly sacrilegious to already tank about messing with its helmet to get my map and commuication suit into it. Too bad there aren't any handy small smartphones around."

  • #2,371
Nearby, the battle was turning as the attackers were pinned down. Several of the armored vehicles were on fire, riddled with gunfire and smoke billowing from their interiors. Numerous dead soldiers littered the ground and the few remaining power armored troopers were fighting to hold the line. Especially in the face of Aeryn and Ellis, cleaving through their ranks with almost contemptuous ease. A few more fell to their energy blades before the two remaining vehicles began turning around, speeding away. What few surviving soldiers there were tried to follow desperately, only to be gunned down before they could get too far. Only a handful bothered laying down their arms, their fight done. The battle was over and the town was safe, minus some holes in it's walls. Sauntering over, Lizie found Val as he walked through the carnage, bathed in blood. "Nice job," she said as she offered the demon her flask.
Valentine looks around the carnage as he kicked at a few of the bodies as he passed by on his way back to the other warriors, smiling like a fiend. "Nothing like a little carnage to get the blood pumping am I right?" He says with a wicked smile as he looked over towards those that had surrendered, "You know, it'd be safer to just drag them off and end them you know? Can't trust fascists." He says matter of factly as he took the offered flask and took a long swig.


Veteran of a thousand psychic wars, chaotic shovel
  • #2,372
Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

I did my best to dredge up everything as helpfully as possible. Of the nature of the Reapers as this cyclical extinction event facilitators in their particular universe. To the Ceph's extragalactic nature and the like, along with that

giving the sci-techs the armor shard .
While handing over the shard I made sure to warn people on some things.​
"Be careful with it. Ceph nanoweave and derived technologies are some heady shit. In its origin universe after the Tunguska Event, it allowed two people to establish what would become effectively a megacorp, nevermind the symbiotic nanosuits they'd manufacture. Or that roughly since 1950's or so, one of those people preserved himself through partial-cryostasis coupled with some sort of mind-machine interfacing or something. While another somehow prolonged his life and the like, or so I'm assuming. After all, people older than a century usually aren't as spry as Karl Ernst Rasch."​
Idly, I use Illusion Projection to give voice to the final moments of Hargreave's life.​
" Will there been an afterlife, I wonder? Choirs of angels? Or a fiery pit? One unlearns these falsehoods over time, but the child who learnt to fear hell is never really gone. To tell the truth, I think I had enough of afterlives as it is - this one has been pretty purgatorial. Almost fifty years floating in supercooled jelly like some medical specimen, thoughts creeping like rats through the cramped silicon corridors of machines, trapped behind video screens and camera systems. Never sleeping, never resting, never ceasing to think about the world you no longer belong to. No, if this is a taste of the afterlife, I think simple oblivion will do nicely."

Beyond that, I made sure that they knew how Xenomorph infestations looked, Jekkadian Gore Nests and the like. I'd rather not risk not saying things, and later it turns out we have an another invasion or something.

Drifting off, I felt strange... like a shoe was about to drop, but after the day we had, I'd rather deal with that later. Right now, time to rest and sleep like the dead.

It was several hours later when you awoke with a slight start, jerking slightly upwards in bed. Barany lay on her side next you, curled up in the sheets as Voytek gingerly poked his head up with concern. Outside the window, the city was bathed in lights, the sun having long set. A quick look at the time showed it was just after eight PM and there were two messages in your inbox. One was from Maj. Elden, asking how you, Barany and Voytek were. A formal breifing was scheduled for 1000 hours tomorrow morning. The other message was from the owner of the Doberman Voytek had played with at the park a few days back. An Inga Thorval, she was interested in knowing if you had any time tomorrow around noon. She was going to be at the park with her Doberman, Dina and was hoping Voytek would enjoy her company again.

Gently scratching behind Voytek's ears, you petted him back down before heading to the shower and began rinsing off the film of sweat and grime that'd accumulated over the course of the mission. Standing under the sluicing spray, you soon felt several hands sneak up behind you, Barany's breath on your shoulder blades as the two of you entangled in each other's embrace. After washing and reveling, the two of you stepped out and began collecting your discarded clothes, armor and other gear from your zombie walk earlier. Stacking everything together in neat piles, you began stacking your arms and noticed there was a slightly odd glow coming from the Quietus. Picking up the scabbard, you pulled the sword from it and noticed that it was still covered in some of the Ceph's fluids from the battle with the Mastermind. The usual green glow of the blade had a slight change in it's hue, verging from it's normal jade to a somewhat chartreuse. What's more, there was a stronger power in it than when you'd last held it, as if it'd taken a great deal from the Ceph's formidable psychic reservoir for it's own.

"You okay," Barany asked as you stood there, staring at the sword. "I mean, if you and your sword there need some alone time......"

I mean, I wasn't gonna start right away...but I still want my ship back.

As Jennall left us to our own devices, she did note that she wanted our credits that we got from the old man and his dead kid to be handed. I agreed to hand it over. Though, while I agreed with Amazon about the blood money thing, I didn't like it for...less than moral reasons.

That shit can trace back, And probably worse. So it was only pragmatic for us to ditch the money. After that, we got to trying out these 'sonic showers'.

It feels...really freaking weird. It got me tingling, and certainly, it was somewhat of an odd feeling...but damn, it got the job done...

...well, while I wasn't feeling particularly frisky, I did have to wear back my pants on a certain way, so as not to make it obvious.

I should try it with Amazon together later, see what else it 'cleans'. Getting back, I decided to take one of the food packs.

I didn't like Shrimp Curry and Rice, but, hey, food...even if it was spicy. As soon as I opened it though, I could feel the heat increasing in my sensors...but I didn't feel pain. Amazon wasn't so lucky, and she spilled hers. As Jennall explained, I was amazed.

"Whoa, they make instant food insta-cooked? Damn, I think I'mma need those in my ship posthaste." I then said with plenty of surprise as Amazon managed to get hers was tofu ramen. Sorry, honey.

As Jennall wanted to know more of us, I simply shrugged.

"Well, we're mercenaries. A couple of bounty hunters, so to speak. But we hunt bad guys who do shady things past the law's radar for profit, so we're not that bad. And I mean couple in both meanings, too." I said, gesturing to Amazon.

"She's my wife, you see."

"Ah," was the Minbari's simple reply. "I must say it's rare to encounter a couple involved as such. Very noble and brave of you to perform such acts of bravery and honor. Among my people, we have many tales and myths of brave souls who have fought in the service of protecting others. It is said that Valen himself fought alongside his beloved against the ancient enemy and that upon their victory, set out to claim their happiness amongst the stars." Amazon smiled as she slurped up her noodles. "Sounds like the old tales of the poets from my world," she said. "I intend to make my own myths and legends. With my husband at my side." She smiled at you and gave you a gentle hip check, drawing a slight chuckle from Jennall. "May I be as fortunate as the two of you in such endeavors," she said. Amazon could only smirk and chuckle. "Careful now," she said. "I'll have you know that my man and I are shall we say, voracious when it comes to the carnal. We've already tempted others to our bed and if you're not careful, you might be the next." You nearly choked on her brazeness while Jenna;ll could only blush furiously. "Um, I see," she stammered out. "Three is very sacred to Minbari....."

Before she could say anything else though, the door chime rang and she asked to see who it was, relief in her voice. A man's voice answered on the other side and she opened the door, allowing a balding human man with glasses in. He handed her a small pack while she handed him a credit card. He ran it through a small device of his, gave her a nod and then walked back out without so much as a word. Jennall hefted the pack onto the counter and removed the two boxes within, opening them before you. Each held an identical pistol, slightly larger than the one you pulled from the dead thieves. These ones were silver framed, with a long flared barrel ribbed with small rings. Whereas the one you picked up earlier was about the size of an old .38 Special, this one felt more like a Beretta-92 or an HK P30. "D'Va'Lesh pulse gun," Jennall began to explain. "Narn made and technically a rifle. But as you can see, it's not nearly as large. Still, it's has it's uses. Has one of the highest rates of fire across most of the other races. Can fill the air with plasma rapidly and accurately. Plus, there's a lot of them on the market, what with the war going on."

From the case, she plucked out one of the small cylinders and inserted it in the small port at the base of the grip. "It's cap is good for twenty-four shots before requiring replacing. I've procured four caps each and they can be recharged here," Jennal explained, gesturing to a small device plugged into the wall on the counter of the kitchenette. She then handed you and Amazon each a holster for your new arms. "That being said, try not to be caught by Security with these. As I said, they're pretty abundant given the Narn's current war with the Centauri. Ironically, Centauri gun-runners have been selling them and other such items from Narn battlefields to anyone with the credits. A subtle tweak at the Narns and their desperation. Otherwise, they're fairly serviceable weapons, being quite sturdy and reliable. They're only slightly less powerful than most other military grade PPGs but their rate of fire is far greater. I believe they'd be equivalent to your submachineguns."

„Yeah, only that my studies were more in the classical sense of making sense of the past and understanding how it worked. Less archaeological weapon race and all that.", I said lightly and gave a shrug before smiling "Still, I appreciate the offer, just a tad worried that I might get zapped across dimensions before that again. I would hate that of course, but so far I wasn't really in control of where and when I end up.", I said softly and shook my head, as if trying to drive away that thought that was only serving to stab my side as I thought about Sandras Joy at my agreement to come to Queenstown with her. At her more serious words in regards to the worlds history, I could only nod:

"I can only imagine in the worst and most trope-laden of senses I fear: having only been in this city and its surrounding woods is quite a good way of stopping any thoughts about the wider world and what happened to it….and in truth it is in a way less worse than the last world or reality I had ended up in. At least you have an intact biosphere.", I joked weakly and nodded "Still, I can see where the company is coming from…" – truthfully or not- "…and at least around here it has helped me help other people, so who am I to close my eyes from the immediate use your work had for myself and those around us?"

"Indeed," Argento said. "As I've said, Titan does care about the people of the land. We know that the likes of the Coalition won't last forever, despite whatever nonsense they think. The war with Tolkeen saw to that, showing them how vulnerable they were and that they could be beaten. It may be a few years or a few decades but eventually, they will be gone and hopefully, wiser heads will prevail, ushering in a new era of cooperation and prosperity. With Titan's help of course."
At the next words I smiled softly, an idea flicking through my head "Would it be possible to get an insight into the Titan design, if I enter the contract of course, I would just be interested in not merely using, but understanding the armour I am wearing and what work went into it." – and test if my penchant for guns and maintenance even extended to something more abstract like physical science and engineering…
The woman across from you smiled with a slight grimace. "I'm afraid that's a proprietary secret," she said. "But as you said, if you came to work for the company, then you'd be allowed to gather an insight into it's construction. Otherwise, I couldn't just give it away. Modding and repairing the equipment's one thing but seeing how it's made we'd rather not allow. It's how we've managed to stay competitive against others, especially Northern Gun. And believe me, they've tried. Very hard."
…making me pause as I glanced down at my hands and the hair falling into my vision, pondering over my first jump, slide or displacement. I hadn't felt as if I understood the healing and draining weapon strapped to me, I merely used it – but if I put some time to it, placed some materials before me and…what? Concentrated on it? Watching Argento take another bite, I laughed softly "Hovertrains? Like in BattleTech?", came out the unbidden question, before shaking my head amused "Sounds like it's only a matter of time, till someone turns one into an armoured train and blasts their way through the post-apocalyptic wilderness. Far too many books like that…", I said with soft wonder.
"You're more right than you think," Argento said with a chuckling smirk. "Northern Gun does sell a number of armed and armored cars to be pulled along. Very useful for protecting their cargoes from anyone foolish to try liberating them. Doesn't hurt that they usually have a considerable escort as well. Several flight-capable power armor units, hovercraft and adequate troops onboard. Yes, those would be rather difficult nuts to crack if you were to try. Many of them have been expanding their reach to the west, mostly to the likes of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and the like. Eventually, they'll reach to the west coast we expect, possibly discover what happened in the old lands of California and the like."
Mirroring the more attentive position of the blonde before me, I merely smirked back at her teasing and reached over to the small leaflet, looking through it with wonder and eagerness, something I had never felt before when looking at the advertisement of a machine: "What about the missile and laser systems? I found them useful to keep the targets on their toes – were they struck or the hardpoints and greater flexibility? I liked the inbuilt targeting system – worked like a charm, while you were busy trying not to get torn to shreds.", I joked only partly and looked over the leaflet, taking in one page after another: "How much can it lift when flying? Being able to scoop up another person and carry them around was quite useful – even if princess carries left a few bruised egos.", I chirped softly and winked "Quite fetching: does it come with a laser sword?", I couldn't help but joke and then nodded happily "Quite the design. Feels nearly sacrilegious to already tank about messing with its helmet to get my map and commuication suit into it. Too bad there aren't any handy small smartphones around."
A mirthful chuckle came from the sales woman, just as the waiter arrived with both of your meals, placing them on the table before you. "Sadly, no," Argento said about the laser sword as she began cutting into her steak. "Though I wouldn't count it out of future models. Can't let Northern Gun or Triax upstage us now. As for the lasers and missiles, they're still there. The lasers have been improved with twenty percent more power and even greater accuracy. Even more, they can be set for independent function, allowing them to work as small point-defense systems against incoming ordnance." She took a bite of her steak and savored it immensely, chewing it with pleasure. "That's a good cut of meat. Now then for missiles, we've added more hardpoints as I said previously. Using them, you can now add five percent more missiles on top of the standard loadout. Or, you can swap them out for half a dozen larger munitions, for when you need a bigger bang for the job." Smiling, she leaned over and tapped on the wings of the suit. "These have also ben reinforced," Argento added. "Now if you're on the ground, you can use them defensively. They'll stop up to two direct hits of heavy crew-served energy weapon like a plasma or particle cannon. Or several dozen hits from a railgun or equivalent projectile weapon. Not a bad thing to have in the thick of a fight."


Hungry, Hungry Chryssalids...
  • #2,373
It was several hours later when you awoke with a slight start, jerking slightly upwards in bed. Barany lay on her side next you, curled up in the sheets as Voytek gingerly poked his head up with concern. Outside the window, the city was bathed in lights, the sun having long set. A quick look at the time showed it was just after eight PM and there were two messages in your inbox. One was from Maj. Elden, asking how you, Barany and Voytek were. A formal breifing was scheduled for 1000 hours tomorrow morning. The other message was from the owner of the Doberman Voytek had played with at the park a few days back. An Inga Thorval, she was interested in knowing if you had any time tomorrow around noon. She was going to be at the park with her Doberman, Dina and was hoping Voytek would enjoy her company again.

Artyom Robertovich Volkov - [CHARACTER SHEET]

Breathing out evenly, I just listen to the quiet of the evening, the sounds of a sleeping Barany, with Voytek looking at me with concern, some odd feeling in the depths of my gut as my eyes traced some of the lights shining into our windows. Idly, I wonder if the rest of the team ever had this problem, post-mission paranoia or the like. I shake off the flashback of the Loyalist cell attacking our apartment. To assure myself of our safety, that there weren't people or things lurking just beyond the door, I briefly pulled out the Twin-bladed Knife, grip gently around the hilt and fire off a Dark Vision scan, sweeping my sight around us and at the entrance, before popping it back into storage.

Otherwise, I fire off a couple of messages. One to Elden, reassuring him that we were fine. Although considering how late we were exchanging said messages, he was probably having a similarly sleepless evening as was likely the rest of the team. But if he wasn't going to bring that up, neither would I. Solidarity and all that.

Finally, there was Ms. Thorval and her message. By brief calculations, noon time was around 1200 hours in comparison to the formal briefing at 1000 hours we would have. Assuming it didn't drag out too long, I was more than fine with an another doggy date. Especially considering what happened with the mission I felt like I owed Voytek this much, for denying him his happy times and all that.

So that was a yes to Ms. Thorval.

Gently scratching behind Voytek's ears, you petted him back down before heading to the shower and began rinsing off the film of sweat and grime that'd accumulated over the course of the mission. Standing under the sluicing spray, you soon felt several hands sneak up behind you, Barany's breath on your shoulder blades as the two of you entangled in each other's embrace. After washing and reveling, the two of you stepped out and began collecting your discarded clothes, armor and other gear from your zombie walk earlier. Stacking everything together in neat piles, you began stacking your arms and noticed there was a slightly odd glow coming from the Quietus. Picking up the scabbard, you pulled the sword from it and noticed that it was still covered in some of the Ceph's fluids from the battle with the Mastermind. The usual green glow of the blade had a slight change in it's hue, verging from it's normal jade to a somewhat chartreuse. What's more, there was a stronger power in it than when you'd last held it, as if it'd taken a great deal from the Ceph's formidable psychic reservoir for it's own.

"You okay," Barany asked as you stood there, staring at the sword. "I mean, if you and your sword there need some alone time......"

"Hah. I'm not that into weapons... well, mostly." I chuckle, broken out of my quiet stare. "Just, noting some changes. Apparently, major nexus creatures of a hivemind race, who are known their ability to manipulate the thought-energy of their local central hivemind lynchpin, when you kill them with an explicitly soul-sucking sword there are bound to be side-effects. Feels like its been juiced up."

Idly, I access my biotics, trying to very carefully clear off the Ceph fluids off of the blade, cleaning its scabbard and the like before storing it in PUGS once again.

Regardless, I returned back to looking over all of our equipment and such. The suit definitely going to need some time in the proverbial workshops, after the time it had with the creatures in the kitchen, chips on my ankle and leg plates from the smaller furry bastards, clawed rents here and there from the bigger fuckers, nevermind the punctures from the neurotoxin covered spines they fired. Plus some of the damage incurred while we fought our way across Mass Effect Earth, or the final fight with the Ceph Mastermind, the fringe of its barely dodged attacks popping the Xialan Shield Gauntlet's generated shield like it was a soap-bubble, probably causing at least some who knows how major or minor thermal scarring, damage or whatever on my armor on the side that passed the Mastermind's attacks.

Still, considering the existence of nanolathes and the like, refurbishing my armor should not be too out of the question. So, I decided to poke them sci-techs and such responsible for that. Beyond that, they already modified it to have powered musculature and the like, so I was also going to be asking if they could include anything applicable from all the techs and such I've provided. Better materials and etc. Maybe anything they managed to derive from the Ceph Armor Shard. Also,

get Voytek a new helmet, mask and weapon.

Otherwise, feeling like it was going to just sit gathering metaphorical dust, I made a note of giving away some of my weapons outright for destructive analysis. The Bazookoid, Nova Corps Rifle, Thunderstroke and Powergum were effectively useless without ammo, so might as well have them and their magazines given out to be taken apart, free up the space I could use to restock my AP Gun ammo and RPG-7 Rockets.

  • #2,374
"Ah," was the Minbari's simple reply. "I must say it's rare to encounter a couple involved as such. Very noble and brave of you to perform such acts of bravery and honor. Among my people, we have many tales and myths of brave souls who have fought in the service of protecting others. It is said that Valen himself fought alongside his beloved against the ancient enemy and that upon their victory, set out to claim their happiness amongst the stars." Amazon smiled as she slurped up her noodles. "Sounds like the old tales of the poets from my world," she said. "I intend to make my own myths and legends. With my husband at my side." She smiled at you and gave you a gentle hip check, drawing a slight chuckle from Jennall. "May I be as fortunate as the two of you in such endeavors," she said. Amazon could only smirk and chuckle. "Careful now," she said. "I'll have you know that my man and I are shall we say, voracious when it comes to the carnal. We've already tempted others to our bed and if you're not careful, you might be the next." You nearly choked on her brazeness while Jenna;ll could only blush furiously. "Um, I see," she stammered out. "Three is very sacred to Minbari....."

Before she could say anything else though, the door chime rang and she asked to see who it was, relief in her voice. A man's voice answered on the other side and she opened the door, allowing a balding human man with glasses in. He handed her a small pack while she handed him a credit card. He ran it through a small device of his, gave her a nod and then walked back out without so much as a word. Jennall hefted the pack onto the counter and removed the two boxes within, opening them before you. Each held an identical pistol, slightly larger than the one you pulled from the dead thieves. These ones were silver framed, with a long flared barrel ribbed with small rings. Whereas the one you picked up earlier was about the size of an old .38 Special, this one felt more like a Beretta-92 or an HK P30. "D'Va'Lesh pulse gun," Jennall began to explain. "Narn made and technically a rifle. But as you can see, it's not nearly as large. Still, it's has it's uses. Has one of the highest rates of fire across most of the other races. Can fill the air with plasma rapidly and accurately. Plus, there's a lot of them on the market, what with the war going on."

From the case, she plucked out one of the small cylinders and inserted it in the small port at the base of the grip. "It's cap is good for twenty-four shots before requiring replacing. I've procured four caps each and they can be recharged here," Jennal explained, gesturing to a small device plugged into the wall on the counter of the kitchenette. She then handed you and Amazon each a holster for your new arms. "That being said, try not to be caught by Security with these. As I said, they're pretty abundant given the Narn's current war with the Centauri. Ironically, Centauri gun-runners have been selling them and other such items from Narn battlefields to anyone with the credits. A subtle tweak at the Narns and their desperation. Otherwise, they're fairly serviceable weapons, being quite sturdy and reliable. They're only slightly less powerful than most other military grade PPGs but their rate of fire is far greater. I believe they'd be equivalent to your submachineguns."

Ah, good, people have battle couples as myth here. Goody. I even smugly smiled at Amazon as she hipchecked me. As I ate, however...

I choked a little bit with my food as Amazon 'propositioned' Jennall to get in the bed. The latter even considered it!

"Damn, Amazon, shouldn't we at least spend at least a few days getting to know her before we go down on her? God damn." I said as I chuckled while I ate. "Then again, given how attractive she is, I am down if we're just gonna spend a few days relaxing in here while we wait for our ship to come back." I then added.

But then, to Jennall's relief, one of her friends had arrived...delivering weapons.

I took one. It's a pulse gun. Sort of like an scifi submachine gun. I like it.

"Easy to conceal, carry and draw. Have you been reading my head? Because I could almost kiss you for this." I then noted to Jennall as I checked at my new toy with the curiosity of a kid in a candy store.

  • #2,375
"You're more right than you think," Argento said with a chuckling smirk. "Northern Gun does sell a number of armed and armored cars to be pulled along. Very useful for protecting their cargoes from anyone foolish to try liberating them. Doesn't hurt that they usually have a considerable escort as well. Several flight-capable power armor units, hovercraft and adequate troops onboard. Yes, those would be rather difficult nuts to crack if you were to try. Many of them have been expanding their reach to the west, mostly to the likes of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and the like. Eventually, they'll reach to the west coast we expect, possibly discover what happened in the old lands of California and the like."

Listening to Argentos talk on the future of her competitor's business was interesting. Least of all because it meant that flight was not only hardly possible across the oceans, but even inland if they needed armoured trains to find out what happened to the West Coast of the US. Still, it was tempting to try and see one of those hovering giants, to see what technology could do – what magic could do and watch massive vehicles move around the landscape. Well, right now things weren't carrying me that far west and I simply nodded along in intrigued interest.

"There's stealth paint on it? With active defences I am feeling more and more as if we are looking at a warbird here and not just a suit of armour anymore.", I said happily and tried to imagine the firing lines and angles that could be undertaken by the weaponry, only peripherally noting the blondes enjoyment of her steak. At her next worlds I laughed lightly "So somewhere between 0.6 and 0.3 missiles?", I asked with a shake off my head and nodded amused "So the missile layout basically stayed the same. It was useful – especially the larger variant."

Following her fingertip I glanced at the quite chunkier looking wings of the armour and nodded thoughtfully "As my last pair were torn off by a vampire and these usually had to go off in tunnels…well, I am curious to see how hardy these are going to be. Incorporating them into ones fighting style sounds like an interesting challenge…" – like having two ablative shields you need to take care off next to what you are already having in your hands.

With a smile I inclined my head "I would say I am quite thrilled to get my hands on one of them. If you have the contract papers with you, I will try to work through them and bring them back to you tomorrow of that's compatible with your own travelling plans?", which was of course just a way to buy time to talk about it with Sandra – no idea how they even enforced contracts around here. Mercenaries maybe?

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