
Careers For People Who Like Writing

resume writing guide


In these hard economic times, competition for jobs is tougher than ever. To stand out in a large pool of applicants, it helps to have all the right job searching tools—not only to land the interview, but also to land the job. That's why we're launching a new weekly series dedicated to teaching you all the job-hunting tips you need to nail down that dream offer. Clock in every Monday for a new installment of our career guide series; from crafting the perfect resume to what not to do on an interview, we'll cover everything you need to get on the path to success.

Creating an eye-catching resume is different than any other kind of writing; you need to strike a fine balance between tooting your own employment horn without sounding like a know-it-all who can't play nicely with others. In addition to paying attention to the language, you'll also need to focus on the layout of the resume to ensure that it's clean and easy to read. To get all the inside pointers for writing an attention-grabbing resume, check out the tips below.

1. Pick a resume style that works for you. Nowadays, you don't have to stick with the standard resume that lists your experience in chronological order—though this format does have its benefits, especially if you are applying for a job in a field that you have experience in. Instead, the functional resume focuses less on dates and more on accomplishments. For example, if you want to break into a new industry and you've been in the workforce for a long time, a resume that focuses on the types of skills you have (managerial, administrative, etc.) might be a better fit since it emphasizes your abilities, not your inexperience.

2. Write a summary, not an objective. Basically, everyone with a resume has the same objective—to find a job. So use this valuable space on your resume to summarize the kind of person you are, focusing on hard and soft skills that may not be apparent in your work experience.

3. Use action words. Choose your words wisely, and be sure to make every one of them count. The best words are action oriented and make an impact. For example, let's say you helped your boss by writing client correspondences. A great way to note this on your resume as "Prepared and maintained client files." Simple and to-the-point, but also makes a very strong statement. For examples of resume action words, check out

4. Focus on results, not duties. Yes, it's great that you managed the payroll department. But, you know what sounds better? That you streamlined the payroll department and saved the company X amount of money in the process! Think about what you've accomplished at past jobs and highlight those successes in your resume.

5. Keep it clean. Don't overwhelm your resume by trying to squeeze your entire life experience on it. In fact, it's best to keep the entire document down to one page. It sounds difficult, but the tips below can help streamline the process:

• Don't list your entire work history. Focus on the last 2-5 positions, or only highlight jobs that are applicable to the position or industry that you are applying for.
• Don't worry about using complete sentences. Write strong statements about your work experience that are bullet-pointed for clarity.
• Do include any computer or specialized skills in the summary field. It's not necessary to list them out in their own section.

6. Other tips to keep in mind:

• Spell check your resume to prevent any typos.
• Always include an email address in your contact information.
• Make your name bigger than anything else on the resume.
• Don't over do it with bolding; instead, use it as a design element to draw the eye to certain elements, such as past employers or positions, and be consistent throughout the document.

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Careers For People Who Like Writing


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