
How To Make A App For The App Store

Create Your App Now

10 Step Guide How to Make an App in 2021

Apps are becoming a part of daily life, with most popular brands having their own mobile app to interact with customers and raise brand awareness.

With the ever-increasing use of smartphones for consumerism, every business could use an app to help boost sales, market its products and improve its brand reputation. Using an app could soon be a normal part of the customer journey and crucial to finalise a sale. If having your own mobile app is what it takes to compete – how is it done?

App development can be time consuming, labour intensive and incredibly expensive – but it doesn't have to be! Anyone can build an app using Appy Pie's AppMakr. Whether you want to showcase your brand, interact with your community or sell a product, AppMakr makes app development easy. Save time, money and effort with Appy Pie's AppMakr.

Follow these steps to create your own app:

  1. Choose your app name
  2. Select a color scheme
  3. Customize your app design
  4. Choose the right test device
  5. Install the app on your device
  6. Add the features you want (Key Section)
  7. Test, test, and test before the launch
  8. Publish your app
  9. Promote your app
  10. Ask your users for feedback
  11. BONUS

Things to consider before building an app

  • Get planning

  • The planning phase of your app creating process is imperative and will serve as a foundation for any future work.

  • Conduct research

  • We can't stress this enough – like any other product, your app's success requires thorough research. Understanding your niche and how your product will fit into your industry will help you with positioning and creating a marketing strategy. Armed with your research, you'll have an overview of your industry, avoid common mistakes and encourage innovation within your organisation.

  • Know your audience

  • Understanding your target audience is key. Spend time getting to know your customer, their needs, wants and the problems they are looking to solve. If you don't have a clearly defined audience, you may end up wasting precious time and resource building an app that your customer won't use.

  • Think about the money

  • Next, you'll need to calculate your running costs and allocate a budget. What is your business model? What is your most valuable product? How will you generate revenue? No matter the purpose of your app, you'll need to create a sustainable plan to ensure future success.

  • Apple vs Android

  • The two major platforms for app distribution – Google Play Store and Apple App Store, each have their own unique characteristics and advantages. In a world where most smartphones are Apple or Android, don't get lost in the crowd! Positioning is key. Launching on both platforms will allow you to cater to a much wider audience and increase brand awareness.

  • Mind the gap

  • After conducting through research and have defined your target audience you'll know where you fit in and the problems your product can solve. Think about what you can do that your competitors cannot. How do you add value? What makes your product unique?

  • Get building

  • Let's cut to the chase… How do you get started? Can you build an app for free? Enter Appy Pie's App Makr. With our custom no code app building platform, you can bring your idea to life! With our easy-to-use drag and drop interface, you can explore app development with no coding experience.

We've put together a collection of videos and tutorials to answer any questions and make your app building experience easy as pie!

Read on to learn how to build your own custom app using Appy Pie's AppMakr.

Make your own app on Appy Pie AppMakr

How to create an app? This is a question that most small businesses are struggling with today. The answer lies with Appy Pie AppMakr. Creating an app with Appy Pie AppMakr is quick and easy. This means you do not have to gain any special expertise or invest hours of your precious time here.

Once you are on the website, the process is fairly simple. The first step is to enter your business name which will also be the name of your app. Next, select the category your app best fits in and then pick a color scheme. In general, it is a good idea to align it with the colors of your brand/ your website or your logo if you already have one.

Choose the device platform where you want to test your app. Your choice of device should be based on the preferences of your customers instead of yours.

Once you have created your app, you can install it on your device and take it for a test run! Come back and edit your app to your liking, add the right features and make it look exactly the way you want. That's it, this is the answer to your question – how to build an app!

We have covered the basics of how to make an app with Appy Pie AppMakr, but it is important that you dig deeper and understand the finer details.

The process of creating an app can be divided into 10 parts. Let's take a look.

Step 1: Choose your app name

The name of the app is how your app users will perceive you and your business. If you already have a flourishing business, it is advisable to continue with the same or similar name so that your existing customers can easily find you and can place their trust in your app. however, if you are only starting out, you have the freedom to choose any name you like. A few things that may help you find the right name for your app include:

  • The name should reflect the brand image you have in mind
  • The name of the app should be unique but easy to remember and pronounce
  • Your app should be named keeping your customers and their personalities in mind
  • Steer clear of jargons and clearly communicate the value of the app
  • The app name should have a global appeal, even if you are only serving locally (yet)

how to create an app

Coming up with the perfect name for your app can prove to be a bit of a challenge. Some time ago, I wrote this helpful article that lists out some great tips for naming your app and talks about its significance in the larger scheme of things.

Step 2: Select a color scheme

Once you have decided the name of your app and chosen the appropriate business category that your app belongs to, you are another step closer to answering your question – how to build an app. Now, it is time to decide which color scheme would be perfect for your app. We first consume with our eyes, hence the color scheme that you choose for your mobile app is of great significance. At Appy Pie AppMakr we have six attractive design schemes that can make your app look like a million dollars. Choose a color scheme from Deep Ocean, Go Green, Cheerful Cherry, Dynamic Sunburst, Carbon Mystique, and Techno Grey.

how to make an app

Your choice of color scheme depends on multiple things the foremost is the brand image that you want to build. Let's list out all the factors that you must keep in mind while choosing the right color scheme for your app.

  • Brand image, brand colors (if it is already in place)
  • Product line or any USPs
  • Target market and your client persona

Step 3: Customize your app design

The way your app looks is very important, and you have to think of more than just choosing the right color scheme. The question now is – how to build an app that looks great! The next step in creating your app using Appy Pie AppMakr is to customize the look and feel of your app to make it truly unique. In the design customization section, you can experiment with different aspects of aesthetics that make your app what it is. Let's discuss each of these aspects in detail.

how to build an app

  • App Icon, background and splash screen
  • One of the biggest advantages of creating an app is that you get to put yourself on the screen of your target customers. Your app icon is what they will see every time they look at their screen. If you have a logo for your company, you can use it as an app icon and if you don't have one, it is time to create your own logo with the logo maker from Appy Pie Design! The background you choose for your app is important, you can choose a block color, images from Appy Pie, or simply upload one of your own!

    Last, but not the least – the app splash screen. This is the screen that comes up as soon as the app is launched. This is the introduction your app users get, to your app. The platform has some great options for you to choose from. However, for an app that is truly yours, you can head to Appy Pie Design and create the perfect graphic for your app.

  • App layout
  • The layout of your app essentially means the way all the elements in your app are laid out. This is more than just aesthetic. The way things are organized has a great impact on the way your app will be used by your customers or users. There are multiple ready-made layouts available in the design customization section where you can choose the layout that you believe will be perfect for your app and for your target audience.

  • Fonts & colors
  • Your mobile app needs to communicate your offerings clearly to the app users. What you write is important, but how you write it and how it looks is important too! In this section, you can decide the colors for each section of your page, like the header, the layout, and the page. The colors and the fonts that you choose for your app define the readability of the content that you place on your app. While choosing the colors and fonts, you must make sure that everything is easily consumable (readable) for the app user.

Step 4: Choose the right test device

It is quite natural to wonder how to build an app look good on the device of your choice and what it would look like to your app users. This is one of the most exciting parts of the process where you get to see the result of all your efforts. With the help of the QR Code or the link, you will be able to install the app on a device of your choice. Once you have the app ready on your phone, you would be able to see what your app would look like, to your app users.

how to develop an app

Step 5: Install the app on your device

As you are learning how to build an app, it is natural that you would want to see how your app looks on an actual device. This is one of the most exciting parts of the process where you get to see the result of all your efforts. With the help of the QR Code or the link, you will be able to install the app on a device of your choice. Once you have the app ready on your phone, you would be able to see what your app would look like, to your app users.

create an app

Phew! That seems like an information overload. Take a moment to watch the video below and learn how to make an app without getting overwhelmed

After learning how to build an app, in case you have any problem figuring out how to install your Android app or your iOS app on device before moving on to the next step, watch the video below for instructions.

Step 6: Add the features you want (Key Section)

Now that you know the basic process of how to build an app, let us dig deeper and discuss the most prominent and popular features on the platform.

The right question to ask at this point in time becomes – how to create an app that your customers would want to use. For an ideal app, it is important that you add just the right features, the features that not only go well with your app but are also important for you to serve your customers in the best possible manner. Naturally, this depends on the intent of the app you are making.

make an app

Most popular app features on Appy Pie

At this point in time you must ask yourself – how to make an app with the perfect features for your clients. Finding the right features for your app, is key to creating a successful app. No matter how brilliant your idea is, or how beautiful your app looks, if your app doesn't have the right features to help your customers complete the actions you want them to take, there is not much of a point to it all. Is there?

Here is a list of the most popular features that you can add to your Appy Pie app.

  • Directory
  • This is one of the most popular features on Appy Pie and can prove to be of great one for your app. Using this feature, you can create listings for location specific businesses and give them the exposure they desire. This feature acts as a business on its own, where you can tie up with local businesses and list them on your app in exchange for a fee or commission. Your app users can easily find information they need and contact the businesses they find a fit. Incorporate this feature with the One Touch feature on Appy Pie AppMakr and your app users would be able to contact the businesses without having to navigate out of the app.

    The video below is a friendly guide to help you add the Directory feature into your app, easily, and yes, without any coding.

  • Blog
  • A blog is a great way to get your ideas out there, and there are multiple kinds of blogs that you can create. You may be a subject matter expert in technology, entrepreneurship, finance, cooking, photography, or anything else under the sun, blog is the right way for you to distribute that knowledge for the thousands of people looking for this information. One catch here is that if you have a blog on a website, your readers will need to type in your URL every time they want to read something you wrote or you will have to rely on them for opening the newsletters or emails you are sending out. This is why the blog feature is of such great value! Once you convert your blog into an app, you offer your readers an opportunity to make all the valuable information you are offering convenient to find. The biggest advantage you have here is that you effectively make space on their beloved smartphones, increasing the chances of them staying loyal to you.

    Check out the video below to help you convert your blog into a fully functional feature laden app that keeps your readers aware of all that great content you are putting out there!

  • Events
  • Are you planning a concert? Are you on the organization committee for the next seminar or even the mixer at school? Anything from a crazy frat party to a big conference for professionals comes with a million things to take care of. The tiniest of details can make it all crumble apart. As an event organizer, it only makes sense to rely on something that will never fail you – an app with the brilliant Events feature. This feature helps you plan the itineraries to the T so that there is no room for error. Combine this feature with Push Notifications and Calendar, and you can make sure that all your app users are updated about any change or new piece of information.

    It is easy to create your own app with the super useful event feature on Appy Pie AppMakr. Check out the video below, to find out how!

  • Education
  • Just because you are restricted to a certain geographical area, it doesn't mean that you have to restrict yourself to the students who can reach you. Let students from all over the world benefit from your teaching by adding the Education feature to your app! You can add a dictionary, give video lectures, create e-books and sell them through your own app with the education feature. This will make education more inclusive, accessible, and easy to consume.

    If you are getting bogged down by the perceived complexities of building an education app for your students, here is a simple guide on getting things going by creating an education app of your own!

  • Map
  • With the Map feature in your mobile app, you have the ability to guide your app users to your place of business with detailed step by step directions. Consider this scenario. You have your doctor's office all set up and have a great app to help people book an appointment instantly with you. However, when it comes to reaching your clinic, people just don't seem to be able to find your place. Not only is it inefficient and quite frankly frustrating for everyone involved but is quite a disaster from the business point of view as well. Once you have the Map feature all set up, the app users can use it to get accurate directions without leaving your app and reach your place of business bang on time!

    We have a step by step video, just for someone like you, who wants to create an app with the map feature in it. Time to get started now!

  • News
  • The world craves information, whether it is about the stock exchange, the latest political move, industry reports, or even the latest celebrity gossip. As a reporter, there are times when you just cannot wait to let the world know of what is going on in the world. Not only do news agencies filter out information sometimes but may also publish your story without giving you a credit. You don't need to depend on anyone now! Create your own app and use the News feature to get your stories out there, in your own name! This app will help you highlight the issues that you care about, without the interference of a boss, an editor, or a board.

    If you have something worth sharing with the world, your audience is waiting for you to give them all that you can. Watch this simple and easy to follow video below and create a news app now!

  • Chat
  • What if you could come up with a way to bring all your favorite chat apps in one common space? If you add the Chat feature to your Appy Pie app, your app can be used for chatting on any of the popular instant messaging apps like Skype, Snapchat, WeChat, WhatsApp and more. This means your app users will not have to alternate between the multiple chatting apps they use to communicate with their friends and family. How convenient is that?

    Check out this video and see how easy it is to add this brilliant feature to your app without writing even a single line of code!

  • Coupon
  • This is quite an amazing feature and gives you a great advantage. Using the coupon feature in your app, you can generate coupon codes and promote your offer so that more of your app users and customers are encouraged to redeem them and use your app. Coupons make it easier to promote deals, your offerings, and your app on all marketing channels, including social media.

    If you think you will have to spend days, or even hours creating coupons for your customers, here's a video that'll change how you think.

  • Messenger
  • This is one of the most important features. Once you add the Messenger feature to your app, you let all your app users interact with each other digitally! Not only can your app users create groups for chatting but have one on one chats as well. Combine this feature with photo and video feature and you will have an app that lets your app users share photos and videos with each other or in groups. Create a safe communication platform for people and keep them engaged.

    We have a couple of videos that will help you understand how easy it is to add the Messenger feature to your app.

  • Social Network
  • The Social Network feature lets you create your own social network where the app users can create their own network by posting updates along with photos and videos. Social networks are immensely popular today and you have the opportunity to create one. Use this opportunity to create a social network that has all the features you wish the apps today had. This Social Network app could be as exclusive or inclusive as you wish it to be and you can give it a personalized touch by adding features that make your social network app stand apart from the rest.

    Find out with the videos below, how easy it is to create your own social media network app using the Appy Pie AppMakr platform.

  • Donate
  • Whether you are raising money for a local charity, or are a charitable institution, make it simpler for those with a good heart to reach out to you and make their donations. It can be limiting for people who live far away but would like to contribute to the charity of their choice. It is a busy life, and just because your benefactors cannot come down to visit, does not mean your organization and the cause should suffer. Add the Donate feature to your app and make sure that the good work continues.

    It takes neither time nor any knowledge of programming to create an app with the donate feature in it. Check out the video to get going now!

  • Fitness
  • Are you a fitness enthusiast? Most people have a busy life today, and not everyone can make time to go to a gym or get a good trainer. You can add the Fitness feature to your app, add all the valuable information about different workouts and equipment that can be used for different parts of the body and help your app users become fitter. Apart from this, you can also add diet plans for your app users to follow and a calorie calculator to help them stick to their workout regimes and achieve their fitness goals.

    Find a great and efficient way to help people reach their fitness goals with your own fitness app. Watch the video to see how simple it is to create your own fitness app.

  • Hyperlocal
  • Finding a good professional when you need a gardener, a plumber or any other service provider can prove to be a pain. On the other side, it can be a challenge for these professionals to find jobs in the areas they can serve. Adding the Hyperlocal feature to your app lets you and other professionals like groomers, welders, and others create a profile or listing so that they can be matched with the right jobs. Not only do you get to charge a fee from the professionals who are listing up on your app, but also can earn commissions for every job that is completed through the app.

    Bring together all services on one common platform – your very own hyperlocal app. Check out the video below and start now!

  • Church
  • We move from our hometowns for a variety of reasons. It could be a job, higher education, or something completely different. This, however, does not mean that we will have to disengage from the Church entirely. As a priest, it is unfortunate to see dedicated church goers fall through the cracks simply because of the distance. This is why, the Church feature on Appy Pie's no code app building platform AppMakr has emerged as a popular solution in the community. Not only does this mean that your Sunday sermons will be attended by everyone irrespective of where they are, it also means that you would be able to send important communication to each member of your congregation with just a tap of the finger. Whether it is about announcing the next bake sale, a fundraising drive, a call for donations or tithes, an app can take care of it all.

    Spread the Good Word far and about. It is a fairly simple process to create a church app with Appy Pie AppMakr. Watch the video below to find out how!

  • Food Court
  • As a restaurant owner, at times it can become a little difficult to manage every takeaway and delivery on phone. It may lead to delivering wrong orders, missing out on orders, and eventually seriously disgruntled patrons. You can provide the perfect solution to this conundrum by creating a mobile app with Food Court feature that can be clubbed with a delivery management system that lets you add restaurants in the vicinity. These listed restaurants can then add their menus and manage their food orders. The customers can track their orders in real time, the delivery personnel have the option to accept or reject the pick-up. You, as the app owner get the super-admin dashboard where you would be able to get a bird's eye view of all the processes taking place within the app.

    Here are a couple of videos that will help you create your own Food Court or Restaurant app in minutes. Watch the videos and you will be amazed by how simple it really is!

Step 7: Test, test, and test before the launch

Just because you know how to make an app, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are ready to go live with it!

It is natural to think of your product as something that is the best and most flawless product ever. However, it is rarely ever true for any first-time product. When you build your own app yourself, it is important that you spend some time in testing the app diligently.

creating an app

Developers who skimp out on this step have often suffered heavily for it. It may seem that you are saving up on some precious time by skipping this step, but the problem arises when an untested app goes live and is infested with bugs and suffers through countless crashes which may have been avoided altogether.

Alpha testing is mostly a simulated or in some cases actual operational testing carried out by potential app users or independent testers at the developers' site.

Beta testing consists of releasing the beta versions of the app to a limited audience (not a part of the programming team), also referred to as beta testers. Beta testing your app is crucial if you want an app to function well and we have a succinct 10 step process to help you through it.

Based on the results of the testing process, the app may need a little bit of a change and once you have done that, you are ready for the next step, going live!

Step 8: Publish your app

The most awaited time for any app developer is the time to go live on app stores! The question how to make an app has changed to how to publish my app. This is where all the fun happens! The process to publish your app is different for different app stores and we have created dedicated guides to help you out with both.

Once you have published your android app on the Google Play Store and our iOS app on the Apple App Store, your app users can easily go there and download your app from there.

build an app

Now, just going through the steps mechanically may not be enough. The Apple App Store can be pretty tough on your app and you may need a bit of a guidance to get the app store to approve your app. Some time ago we created a little guide for our users that can get the App Store to approve their app and it might help you as well!

Additionally, we have also put together a set of 10 tips to avoid your app from being rejected by Apple App Store. Apple App Store has, in recent times become quite stringent about the apps it approves and this article can help you avoid the fate!

Publishing your own app can sound daunting, which is why, we have this helpful video to take you through the process in a smooth manner. Watch the video and find out how!

Step 9: Promote your app

This is the world of marketing and just because you have made an awesome app and published it on the app store, it doesn't mean customers would be beelining for your app on the app stores! This means even if you have found answer to the question how to build an app, you must ask yourself how to promote your app!

When you are developing an app with the intent to offer a solution to any existing problem, you must be prepared for the fact that people might already be employing a certain solution already. You would have to think how you would be able to convince them to make that change.

how to design an app

This is where Marketing comes in!

Marketing is not the villain we have chalked it up to be. Even the best of the products needs the help of marketing to get it in front of the right audience. There are millions of apps on the app stores, you need visibility and marketing is the way to go ahead!

Marketing is not a linear process where you move progressively from one stage to the other. In fact, there are high chances of you making errors while employing even the best of time-tested marketing strategies. Here, we have put together a list of pre and post launch mobile app marketing pitfalls that you must avoid at all costs.

Below are some really helpful videos that can help you in your efforts of app promotion. Watch them and find out how you can put your app on the global map!

Step 10: Ask your users for feedback

This is the world of marketing and just because you have made an awesome app and published it on the app store, it doesn't mean customers would be beelining for your app on the app stores!

  • Collecting quantitative data through app analytics
  • Collecting qualitative data through surveys and interviews
  • Establishing a personal connection by talking to the app users on a regular basis

how to make your own app

One of the easiest ways to do this is by sending your app users an email and ask them nicely about how they are using your app. Don't ask them if they like your app, ask them how they are using the app. When you ask directly if they like your app or how it can be improved, answers may be either vague or opinionated and that's not really going to help!

The best way to get the feedback from your users would probably to watch them using your app. This way you would be able to identify the app interactions that are not going the way you expected them to. This is a great way to measure up and compare your expectations with the real-world results. In case there is a mismatch, you may either need to tweak your expectations or change your app to fulfil your expectations.

The idea here is to experiment with different actions and gauge their results. It is only when you have thoroughly tested out your actions and measured the results that you would be able to figure out what works the best for your app.

Why should you make your apps accessible?

Every journey starts with a single step and we have seven for you! Though we are listing the seven steps out for you, you need not follow the order in which we have listed them out. On the completion of all seven steps you would have built an app that would definitely be more accessible, developed an understanding of the benefits of app accessibility, a vision of the steps that you'd need to take further, and a clearer vision of the journey ahead. So, here we go!

  1. Learn about accessibility: It is important that you develop an understanding about the various kinds of disabilities and the ways in which they impact the users' ability to use the app.
  2. Quick accessibility check: As you are looking into ways to make your app accessible, you might already have a moderately accessible app in your hands. Hence, it would be wise to run your app for a quick accessibility check. In case your app is entirely inaccessible, it probably has something to do with the technology that was used to build it. In such a scenario the app should be reviewed by a professional testing body who might be able to offer you advice on a practical way to move ahead. However if the app is accessible but not as much as you would like it to be, then these steps can definitely help you improve it.
  3. Publish an accessibility statement: The intent of publishing an accessibility statement is to announce your commitment to accessibility. This statement will help you define this very intent of your app to be made available and be usable by the greatest number of people irrespective of their abilities or disabilities. It is possible that not all the elements of your app are as accessible as you'd like them to be, but that's quite OK. Let the statement reflect that you are working to improve the situation and would appreciate feedback from the users or experts in the arena. This will help you prioritize and categorize the changes that are still needed.
  4. Provide a 'Contact Us' feature: Conducting quick tests and enhancing them on the basis of the testing you do on your app can't be enough for you to be sure that your app is accessible. There would always be a scope for improvement and the genuine feedback from the real users is of great importance in this regard. When you include a 'Contact Us' feature for the users, they can reach out to you with ease and let you know wherever there is a scope for any improvement.
  5. Ensure reading sequence is logical: It is important that the experience of accessing and utilizing the app be simple and convenient for all the users including those who would be using a screen reader. This means that the information on the screen should be read in a logical sequence including input fields, the images should have a description, all the controls within the app must be described correctly, and the acronyms or any special symbols must be implemented in a way that they can be read correctly.
  6. Create a user interface that is easy to operate: The user interface and the user experience are prime factors in determining whether your app can be a success or not. Though accessibility encompasses a number of different factors, understandability and operability are two of the most important aspects and form the foundation. It is important to keep the layout simple and sparse in the interest of accommodating a variety of devices and operating systems.
  7. Ensure text formatting can be altered: This is especially relevant for the apps that have a great amount of text placed on the screens like eBooks, eMagazines, ecommerce apps that have detailed product descriptions etc. the user must be able to adjust the font size, font type, font color, or the background color to make the content legible.

BONUS: How Appy Pie AppMakr builds your app

The answer to your question – how to build an app is here! Simply drag and drop all the features you want in your app and place a request to build your app, Appy Pie AppMakr will take care of everything else.

Appy Pie AppMakr helps you build fully functional apps while cutting down the development time and costs. Build a native app like experience without having to learn any coding or spending beyond your means.

how to make an app for free

With Appy Pie's no-code app builder, you can create Android and iOS mobile apps for a variety of businesses in different sectors including healthcare, education, entertainment, finance, ecommerce, restaurants and much more. Appy Pie has a vast range of features such as store, photo, video, social network, food court, etc. to help you build your desired app without any hassles of coding.

Appy Pie's DIY platform also provides a number of video tutorials that will help you learn how to create an app and add the features easily, along with an experienced customer support team to back you up in case of any issues or queries.

Here is the step by step breakdown of the process that puts to rest the question that's haunting you – how to build an app using AppMakr.

It begins when a user initiates a request to build an Android or iOS app, on Appy Pie. Next, the Appy Pie server gets this request and checks validation or other build requirements. The server then connects with AWS DevOps system through API Gateway endpoint. Now, the API Gateway puts forth a request to AWS Lambda Function, which checks the request and updates it to the database. At this point, AWS Lambda connects to the suitable DevOps service as per the platform preferences. This means, AWS Lambda will connect to AWS Pipeline for .apk (Android) and to Azure DevOps service for .ipa (iOS).

After building the app, the relevant DevOps service connects to AWS Lambda function and updates the app to our database DynamoDB. AWS Lambda now connects to the Appy Pie server to update the app build. Once the app build is successfully completed, you will receive an email with information about the app and in case of any error the developer or the client will be notified to take necessary action.

At the end of the process, you get apps that are ready to go live on app stores of your choice without having to worry about maintaining native SDKs. Appy Pie AppMakr does all the work for you and builds your app in the cloud using the most up-to-date SDKs for the platform you chose to publish your app on. The best part is that we can help you create apps that are supported on multiple platforms. This means no matter which app store your target audience prefers, you can tap them with great efficiency. The platform lets you build apps in minutes, reducing your time to market and giving you the worm that only the early birds get!

Take the quiz

Now that you know the entire process of creating an app with Appy Pie AppMakr, let's see how much you have really learnt. Take the quiz below and if you get the right score, you can earn a certification in app development from Appy Pie. What is the hold up? Get going now!

Take the Quiz

Top Frequently Asked Questions

You can make a mobile app using Appy Pie app building platform. However, if you want to publish your mobile app to Google Play Store and Apple App Store, you need to upgrade it to one of our paid plans. To know more about our pricing, click here.

You can use Appy Pie no code app development platform to create an app without any coding. Follow the steps below to create an app in a few minutes:

  • Go to and click on "Get Started"
  • Enter your business name and click on Next
  • Choose the category that suits your business the best
  • Pick a color scheme you like
  • Select the device where you want to test your app
  • Customize your app design if you wish to, and click on Save and Continue
  • Take a deep breath, your app is getting ready. Once built, scan the QR code or send the app installation link to your device via email or SMS, and test the demo app
  • Go to My Apps section by opening the Welcome drop down menu present in top navigation
  • Click on the Edit option to edit your app. You will be shown the Gold plan. You can either go with Try Now or Buy Now option. The 'Try now' option comes with a 2-Day Trial so that you are fully satisfied with the app before you make the purchase
  • Please note whichever option you choose, you need to provide credit card details. We use credit card details to check the authenticity of the users. Don't worry, we don't charge anything without your confirmation, even after the trial ends

  • On the creator software, you can add your desired features
  • Once you are done, click on Save and Continue to finish creating your app

There are multiple way of making money from an app. Listed here are some of the proven ways of earning money from mobile apps –

  • In app advertising
  • In app purchases
  • Subscription
  • Paid apps
  • Sponsorship
  • Affiliate program

There are different charges on different platforms for publishing an app. Google Play Store charges a one-time developer fee of USD 25, while Apple App Store charges USD 99 for creating developer account.

You need absolutely no coding skills to build an app from scratch. You can follow the steps below to build your own app for Android and iOS

  • Go to
  • Click on "Create your app"
  • Enter your desired business name and click on Next
  • Pick the category that your business fits best in
  • Choose the color scheme that you love
  • Select the device for your test app
  • Customize the look and feel of your app
  • Once done, click on Save & Continue
  • Take a deep breath and wait till your app is getting built
  • Once the app is ready, scan the QR code or send the app installation link to your device via email or SMS, and test the demo app
  • Go to My Apps
  • Click on the Edit option to start editing your app
  • You will be shown the Gold plan. You can either go with Try Now or Buy Now option. The 'Try now' option comes with a 2-Day Trial so that you are fully satisfied with the app before you make the purchase
  • Please note whichever option you choose, you would need to provide credit card details. We use credit card details to check the authenticity of the users. Don't worry, we don't charge anything without your confirmation, even after the trial ends

  • On the app maker, add the features you want
  • Once you are done, click on Save and Continue to finish creating your app

Listed here are some effective tips and tricks that can help you validate your app ideas –

  1. A thorough research
  2. Analyze the app store charts
  3. Validate the need
  4. Get an idea of your target market size
  5. Develop an understanding of your app's product market fit
  6. Exhibit the feasibility
  7. Align the idea with other useful apps
  8. USP
  9. Garner feedback from potential users
  10. Keep in mind the technical challenges and scope
  11. Prototyping
  12. Create an MVP
  13. Build your brand identity
  14. Create a landing page
  15. Promote your app

You can make an app for your business using Appy Pie and bring your business to mobile in no time. You can also signup for our reseller program and start an app business of your own. Click here to know more about Appy Pie's Mobile App Reseller Program.

You can create an app without coding skills using Appy Pie no code platform. Yes, whether you are a professional, a beginner, or a business owner with no coding knowledge, you can make an app with Appy Pie without any technical knowledge.

Concluding Note

Creating an app may seem intimidating to begin with, particularly if you are not technically inclined. However, this post breaks the process down into these easy to follow steps that will help you to learn how to create an app easily. It is important that you have a plan ahead of you before you embark on your app building journey and each step should not only be chalked out clearly, but also scrutinized beforehand.

A mobile app can give your business a boost and an edge over your competition, helping you connect better with your target users. With Appy Pie AppMakr, you can eliminate the tedious parts of the process and create your own app without coding in just a few minutes. Get going now!


About The Author

Aasif Khan is an SEO specialist with an experience of 10+ years in the digital marketing industry. Today, he is an expert in SEO, SMO, SEM, and is also one of the top contributors to Appy Pie Blog. He writes about the ongoing trends in the digital marketing industry. He loves working out in the gym and also spares some time for hobbies like playing cricket and reading books among other things.

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How To Make A App For The App Store


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